News.bytes, Issue 622

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A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California

Issue 622-05/01/14- Visit us on Facebook -- Follow us on Twitter -- Share us with friends and colleagues! 


- Discover the Coast 
- Updates on Renewable Energy Projects
- Headlines and Highlights 
- Wildlife Trivia Question of the Week
- BLM and Department of Interior News
- Upcoming BLM California Events 

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Science Saturday @ Pacific Grove (BLM YouTube) 
Local communities came out to Discover the Coast @ Pacific Grove for Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History's "Science Saturday." BLM specialists were on hand to help identify shells, rocks, insects, and other interesting items brought in by the community.,1w7fb,3xn3,e9xo,1o3w,1bct,ijo3

Science Saturday @ Pacific Grove (Facebook)
Thanks to the folks at the Pacific Grove Natural History Museum for hosting a great Science Saturday event! See photos from Science Saturday @ Pacific Grove.,1w7fb,3xn3,bu8x,bf9m,1bct,ijo3

Science Saturday @ Pacific Grove (News.bytes Extra)
More than 500 people from the Pacific Grove community attended the Science Saturday event at the Natural History Museum. BLM State Director Jim Kenna and staff from the Hollister Field Office participated to support the event as part of the Discover the Coast initiative.,1w7fb,3xn3,i4yg,8c11,1bct,ijo3

Visit our Discover the Coast Website 
(BLM website) Learn more about our Discover the Coast campaign, partnerships, and events.,1w7fb,3xn3,1cr0,11yu,1bct,ijo3


BLM Initiates Environmental Review of Tylerhorse Wind Energy Project (BLM News, 4/18/2014) 
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comment on the proposed Tylerhorse Wind Project, a 60-megawatt facility planned for 1,200 acres in Kern Country, CA. The BLM today published a Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project, which includes a proposed amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area Draft Plan.,1w7fb,3xn3,c5xz,e2zk,1bct,ijo3

PG&E joins NextEra Energy Resources to celebrate the commercial operation of the Genesis Solar Energy Center (Wall Street Jounrnal, 4/24/2014) 
NextEra Energy Resources announced the official dedication of the company's Genesis Solar Energy Center, located in Riverside County, Calif. Approximately 150 local residents, federal, state and local officials and energy industry leaders, gathered today at the new solar facility, which is capable of generating 250 megawatts (MW) of solar power, enough electricity to meet the energy needs of 88,000 California homes. All of the power generated by the Genesis Solar Energy Center is being provided to Pacific Gas & Electric Company under a long-term contract. The Genesis Solar Energy Center is located on approximately 1,950 acres of land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management in Riverside County.,1w7fb,3xn3,ahv1,madj,1bct,ijo3


BLM Attends Annual Pacific Crest Trail Kick-Off Event (News.bytes Extra) 
And they're off on the trail! The BLM, along with over 700 hikers and supporters of the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail (PCT) attended the 16th Annual Day Zero PCT Kick-Off event at Lake Morena County Park, April 24-27.,1w7fb,3xn3,ee85,kcgu,1bct,ijo3

BLM Desert District Finds Seven Ways to Celebrate Earth Day 2014 (News.bytes Extra) 
For those who travel in environmental circles, Earth Day is our holiday season. Residents of surrounding communities are changing from their winter mode and looking forward to outside activities in the mountains, deserts and coastal areas of California. Here at the California Desert District office, Earth Day turned into "Earth Weeks" as local organizations planned their celebrations throughout the month of April. Check out the 7 ways CDD celebrated Earth Day 2014.,1w7fb,3xn3,aa7g,6mqi,1bct,ijo3 

Discover the Desert's Purpled Past (News.Bytes Extra) 
An interpretive hike to Tumco Historic Town Site last month gave visitors a chance to wander among the ruins of this 19th century gold mining ghost town while learning about its colorful history.,1w7fb,3xn3,a1hc,90u0,1bct,ijo3

BLM Carrizo Plain National Monument Issues Final Supplementary Rules (BLM News, 4/28/2014) 
The Carrizo Plain National Monument is announcing its final supplementary rules affecting 206,635 surface acres of public land in eastern San Luis Obispo and western Kern Counties. "The rules will ensure long term protection of the significant cultural and biological resources on Carrizo Plain National Monument," said, Johna Hurl, Monument Manager.,1w7fb,3xn3,k7cx,e981,1bct,ijo3 

BLM Announces Fire Restrictions for Lands Managed by Hollister Field Office (BLM News, 4/18/2014) The Bureau of Land Management is placing precautionary fire restrictions on public land managed by the Hollister Field Office. No vehicles, campfires or open flames are allowed on BLM lands in the Panoche, Griswold, Tumey and Ciervo Hills, effective immediately.,1w7fb,3xn3,leqh,gekl,1bct,ijo3 

Tight Lines: A growing problem for forest hikers (Tracy Press, 4/24/2014) 
Some pot growers are now planting their crops on hard-to-reach sites on Bureau of Land Management or Forest Service land, or even private timberlands. They'll clear a space, till the soil and even pipe water in from a nearby creek. If they should get busted, all they'd lose is the crop. Usually, there is a grower-guard nearby to tend the crop and discourage intruders. The downside of this phenomenon is that innocent outdoor enthusiasts like you and me might unwittingly stumble across one of these illegal pot plantations.,1w7fb,3xn3,4lbe,1c2j,1bct,ijo3 

Obama Administration Opposes China Lake Expansion (The Washington Times, 4/29/2014)
The Obama administration said Tuesday it opposed a House bill that would expand a naval base in the Western Mojave Desert and permanently place the military in charge of managing its nearly 1.1 million acres. Mouritsen said the BLM cannot support adding the 19,000 acres. She called it a popular recreation area with trail riding, camp sites and hunting. She also called it an important wildlife corridor, including for the threatened desert tortoise.,1w7fb,3xn3,b9m3,fy0e,1bct,ijo3

The Big Myth about the Soledad Canyon Mine (The Santa Clarita Valley Signal, 4/28/2014) The proposed 56-million-ton sand and gravel Cemex mine, just outside the city of Santa Clarita in Soledad Canyon, would cause significant and irreversible impacts on the wildlife corridors in and around the Santa Clara River and is a threat to the health, safety and welfare of thousands of Santa Clarita Valley residents.,1w7fb,3xn3,agtq,8y27,1bct,ijo3

Planning and Cooperation Credited in Keeping SCORE IV 250 Safe (Imperial Valley Press, 4/29/2014) 
Multiple agencies coordinated with each other to handle the event, including Bureau of Land Management, Imperial County Sheriff's Office, Border Patrol, California Highway Patrol, Imperial County Fire, U.S. Fire Service, El Centro Police, Imperial Irrigation District and Naval Air Facility El Centro.,1w7fb,3xn3,f8yf,de52,1bct,ijo3 

Imperial Valley ready for SCORE race (San Diego Union Tribune, 4/24/2014) 
This is the first SCORE race on Southern California ground in almost two decades and the first SCORE desert race in the United States allowing motorcycles. The Imperial Valley 250 is being run through a partnership between SCORE, business interests in El Centro, and the Bureau of Land Management.,1w7fb,3xn3,kzo8,bdzn,1bct,ijo3 

Bernadette Lovato named new Manzanar superintendent (Mammoth Times, 4/22/2014)
Former BLM Bishop Field Office manager has been selected as the new superintendent for Manzanar National Historic Site in California.,1w7fb,3xn3,bg5a,40x,1bct,ijo3


The California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula californiae) is found in a wide variety of habitats - forest, woodland, chaparral, grassland, marshes, farmland, ranches, deserts, and brushy suburban areas. 

Which of the follow statements about the California Kingsnake are true?
(a) They eat rattlesnakes and have a tolerance for their venom. 
(b) They have highly poisonous venom.
(c) When disturbed they give off a strong musk odor.
(d) When attracting a mate, they vibrate their tails, hiss, and roll into a ball
(e) All of the above

See answer - and more information near the end of this News.bytes.


BLM Last Week: APRIL 13-18, 2014 (BLM Tumblr) 
Happy Arbor Day from our Headwaters Forest Reserve! The Reserve is set aside to protect and preserve the ecological and wildlife values in the area, particularly the stands of old-growth redwood that provide habitat for the threatened marbled murrelet, and the stream systems that provide habitat for threatened coho salmon.,1w7fb,3xn3,8uon,859c,1bct,ijo3 

VIDEO- Week at Interior April 19, 2014 (DOI YouTube) 
The 45th Earth Day celebrated around the world...the first Earth Day came about during the early days of the conservation movement, and is as relevant as ever as our world faces the consequences of climate change.,1w7fb,3xn3,5tnx,hn0j,1bct,ijo3

Secretary Jewell Statement on the Senate Confirmation of Janice Schneider as Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management (DOI News, 5/1/2014)
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell released a statement after the U.S. Senate confirmed Janice M. Schneider to serve as Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Land and Minerals Management: "I am pleased the Senate has voted to confirm Janice to this key leadership post at the Department. She will be a strong advocate for a balanced approach to managing our public lands and natural resources. Using a science-based decision-making process, her expertise in natural resources, energy development and environmental law will enable us to continue to safely and responsibly expand the development of America’s conventional and renewable energy resources under President Obama’s all-of-the-above energy strategy.",1w7fb,3xn3,e73x,9bul,1bct,ijo3


Apr. 28-Oct. 23: Webcasts Scheduled to Solicit Comments on Route 66 Management Plan (BLM News Release) The California Historic Route 66 Association and BLM California Desert District have scheduled four webcasts to continue soliciting public comments on the preparation of a corridor management plan for the segment of historic Route 66.,1w7fb,3xn3,ge64,i1gg,1bct,ijo3 

Apr-Jun. 1: Clear Creek (near Redding) Outings 
(BLM Facebook) We are offering everyone a chance to learn more about our natural world in a series of free outings near Clear Creek south of Redding. Topics on these free guided hikes include fire ecology and more.,1w7fb,3xn3,c194,eyme,1bct,ijo3

May 3: Agencies Teaming Up to Provide Fire Prevention Information 
(News.Bytes Extra) Staff members from the BLM Ukiah Field Office are part of the team including the Lake County Fire Safe Council and Lake County Fire Chiefs Association holding the annual Wildfire Safety Expo, Saturday, May 3, in Lakeport. Admission is free.,1w7fb,3xn3,emd3,2nfr,1bct,ijo3 

May 4-10: The King Range Needs a Few Volunteers! 
(BLM Facebook) The King Range National Conservation Area will host a volunteer vacation with American Hiking Society.,1w7fb,3xn3,khj8,awhj,1bct,ijo3 

May 12: Comments Due on Proposed Closure of Shooting Area in San Diego County(BLM News Release) The BLM El Centro Field Office is seeking public comment on a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Assessment and an Associated Land Use Plan Amendment to Close the Airport Mesa Target Shooting Area in eastern San Diego County, California.,1w7fb,3xn3,3u0c,m1rq,1bct,ijo3

Apr-May 24 (Saturdays): Soda Lake and Painted Rock Guided Tours at Carrizo Plain National Monument (BLM Facebook) Come join us for our Soda Lake/Painted Rock Guided Tour. Reservations are required and can be made at:,1w7fb,3xn3,2mrx,hao0,1bct,ijo3 and,1w7fb,3xn3,2z8u,cwxc,1bct,ijo3 

May 16-17: Extreme Mustang Makeover Returning to Horsetown, USA
The Extreme Mustang Makeover will make its annual visit to the George Ingalls Equestrian Event Center in Norco, CA. See the exciting results of a competition that challenges trainers to gentle and ride a wild horse in approximately 100 days. A youth division and a wild horse adoption hosted by the Bureau of Land Management are new highlights for 2014. Forty-two trainers picked up Mustang geldings, ages 4 to 5, in early April and spent the spring preparing their horse for the event. These horses, which were virtually untouched by humans, represent dozens of wild horse herds located all over the West.,1w7fb,3xn3,44gv,b1i7,1bct,ijo3 

May 28: BLM Extends Public Comment Period on Proposed Solar Project in San Bernardino County (BLM News Release) The public comment period for the proposed Silurian Valley solar project has been extended. Public comments are now due by May 28, 2014.,1w7fb,3xn3,1qdu,jice,1bct,ijo3

June 9-13: Volunteers Welcome for Archaeology Week Projects
Anyone interested in archaeology of the Great Basin along the California-Nevada border is welcome to join the Bureau of Land Management Eagle Lake Field Office for its inaugural Archaeology Volunteer Week. Join BLM archaeologists in archaeological survey and recording work in the high desert northeast of Susanville.,1w7fb,3xn3,hk2o,j579,1bct,ijo3

WILDLIFE TRIVIA ANSWER and Related Information
Which of the follow statements about the California Kingsnake are true?
(a) They eat rattlesnakes and have a tolerance for their venom, and (c) When disturbed they give off a strong musk odor are both true. They do not have poisonous venom and kill their prey by constriction. The California kingsnake does give off a strong musk odor and vibrate its tail, hiss and roll into a ball, but only when disturbed or threatened. 

RELATED: "Common Kingsnake - Lampropeltis getulus" 
(BLM-California wildlife database) 
Kingsnakes have the ability to constrict their prey. They commonly eat other snakes, including poisonous rattlesnakes, lizards, rodents, birds, and bird eggs.,1w7fb,3xn3,46va,4myn,1bct,ijo3 

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News.bytes published by
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600,1w7fb,3xn3,4h2h,jgx0,1bct,ijo3

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