Interior Dept.'s Budget Would Increase to $11.7
(The Washington Post, 03/04/14)
President Obama requested $11.7 billion for the Interior Department in fiscal 2015, a slight increase from the year before.
President Proposes $1.1 Billion for BLM in Fiscal Year 2015
(BLM News Release)
President Obama today requested $1.1 billion for the BLM in Fiscal Year 2015, which will enable the BLM to continue to responsibly manage the development of conventional and renewable energy on public lands, conserve valuable wildlife habitat and cultural and historic resources, and
implement innovative landscape scale management approaches.
RELATED: BLM California Energy Resources
(BLM Website)
Mono County Resident Sentenced in Archaeological Case
(BLM News Release)
In a plea agreement with the Mono County District Attorney's Office, a Mono County resident pled guilty to one charge of misdemeanor vandalism and was ordered to pay $3,823 in restitution to the BLM.
RELATED: The Curse of the Stolen Artifacts
(BLM YouTube)
A FunnyBytes video- Protectors of ancient artifacts reach across the centuries -- to the dismay of modern-day plunderers. Based on a true story.
Basket Weaving at the San Joaquin River Gorge
Management Area
(BLM Facebook)
Students in a Native American basket weaving class (led by the California Indian Basketweavers Association) learn how to gather natural materials and create traditional baskets.
Artwork Used for the
Fort Sage OHV Area
(BLM Facebook)
When we were looking for a unique way to share resource conservation messages with visitors to the Fort Sage Off-Highway Vehicle Area, we turned to Susanville Artist Janet Fraser-Dickman.
More About the BLM Folsom
Lake Hand Crew
(BLM Tumblr)
The crew began in 2012 and was comprised of U.S. military veterans. This ongoing program helps to build exceptional wildland firefighting forces and employs qualified veterans.
Roads, Trails in Dry Valley Area Used for Motorcycle Races
(BLM News Release)
Weekend back country explorers planning to visit the Dry Valley area east of Susanville the weekend of April 5 and 6 will encounter more people than usual, as a two-day motorcycle race is scheduled on public land. Competitors will begin arriving Friday, April 4.
Public Invited to Comment on BLM OHV Grant Proposals
(BLM News Releases)
A number of news releases have announced public comment opportunties for BLM OHV grant proposals in different areas around the state. See our list of news releases. |