A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California
Special Issue 612-02/21/14- Visit us on Facebook --Follow us on Twitter --Share us with friends and colleagues!
Be swept away to the California Coastal National Monument and five stunning coastal locations.
Come discover the coast.
NEWS.BYTES Special Issue:
- Kenna's Quote
- Free Poster Offer
Discover the Coast Overview
- Wildlife Trivia Question
- Point Arena
- Trinidad
- Fort Ord
- Piedras Blancas
Point Vicente
- Upcoming Events
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Jim Kenna, BLM California State Director
"The BLM and its partners encourage people to discover the natural beauty, richness and diversity of coastal communities." |
FREE OFFER! Discover the Coast- Point Vicente Framable Poster |
Celebrating our discover the coast campaign, this 11"x14" framable
poster, features a stunning photograph of the Point Vicente Lighthouse and information about Discover the Coast and the Point Vicente Lighthouse. This is the first poster in a series of five. http://www.blm.gov/ca/forms/offers/index.php?issueReq=612
News.Bytes Special Issue: Discover the Coast
Discover the Coast is a celebration of our partnerships and the collaborative stewardship efforts along the California coast. It is a six-month journey to five of our amazing gateway communities. We hope you will get to know the parnters, visitor opportunities, and collaborative
management efforts along our California coastline.
BLM California and Its Coastal Partners Kick Off a Discover the Coast Campaign
(BLM Tumblr)
The campaign promotes places where people can discover the natural and historic beauty of the California coast. http://ow.ly/tNoGo
RELATED: Discover the Coast Photo Collection
(BLM Flickr)
Discover the coast through a photo collection of the California Coastal National Monument and its stunning landscapes, wildlife, and gateway communities. http://ow.ly/tNo82
California State Parks- A Core Partner in the California Coastal
National Monument
(BLM Facebook)
If you've experienced the California coast, there's a good chance you've been to a California State Park. California State Parks manages dozens of state beaches and parks along California's coast for the enjoyment of people and the preservation of nature and culture. This makes it a natural
partner with BLM to help people Discover the Coast. http://ow.ly/tNAUi
Seabird Protection Network
(BLM Facebook)
Birds and other wildlife are a natural part of a visit to the coast. The Seabird Protection Network is a group of citizens and agencies working to ensure healthy, thriving populations of seabirds on the California coast. http://ow.ly/tNEpS
RELATED: Partners of the California Coastal National Monument
(BLM Website) See a list of nearly 100 CCNM partners. http://ow.ly/tNgQm
RELATED: Background of the California Coast National Monument
(BLM Facebook- Life Events): https://www.facebook.com/blmcalifornia/info

Gray whales feed on which of the following?
(a) small shrimp that float around on the currents
(b) small fish and crustaceans that swim at the surface of the ocean
(c) small crustaceans and tube worms found in ocean sediments
(d) small to large fish and other animals that stray into its mouth
(e) a, b, c,
(f) all of the above
See answer- and more information near the end of this News.bytes.
tallest lighthouse on the West Coast and unfettered access to 12-miles of California's undeveloped coastline are highlights at the California Coastal National Monument at Point Arena. Thanks to the recent acquisition of land for public access, you can hike from the city of Point Arena and cross
unspoiled coastal prairies on lands managed by the BLM. Or, you can choose to traverse the dunes and walk the wave slope at Manchester State Beach. http://www.ca.blm.gov/7rld
52 Places to Go
in 2014: #3. North Coast, California
(New York Times, 01/10/14)
One hundred and thirty miles north of San Francisco, the moody bluffs of the Mendocino Coast have long been a spectacular place from which to observe marine life: passing humpback whales, sun-happy sea lions, foamy waves strewn with kelp. The incorporation of the Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands
-- nearly 1,300 acres -- gives hikers new access to a contiguous 12-mile stretch of coastline and fields of wildflowers, cypress forests and cliff areas. http://www.ca.blm.gov/mrld
Stornetta Lands May Soon Be Monument
(The Press Democrat, 02/15/14)
Supporters of a two-year campaign to extend national monument status to a breathtaking stretch of southern Mendocino coastline are abuzz with speculation that President Barack Obama might use his executive authority to make it happen, and that he might do so soon. http://www.ca.blm.gov/prld
Congressman Huffman Introduced Legislation to Include Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands in CCNM
(Archived News.Bytes Extra)
More than 100 people gathered for an announcement ceremony held by Congressman Jared Huffman. To introduce a bill that would add the more than 1,300 acres of the federally-owned Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands to the CCNM. Pacific Community Charter School students presented Congressman
Huffman with a book of their photographs and artwork of Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands. http://www.ca.blm.gov/trld
A dramatic backdrop of rocks and
islands and a community committed to conserving and sharing its natural and cultural heritage are hallmarks of the California Coastal National Monument at Trinidad. Your outdoor adventure can include a hike around Trinidad Head for great views of the coastal rocks and islands, stroll along the
beach at Houda Point, or a visit to one of three state parks. http://www.ca.blm.gov/6rld
Ocean Day-
(BLM Facebook)
The California-wide Ocean Day education program has been going strong in Humboldt County since 2005, thanks to coordination by Friends of the Dunes and funding from the Whale Tail License Plate Fund. http://www.ca.blm.gov/3rld
Student Artists Promote Conservation
(Archived News.Bytes Extra)
Students from Trinidad Union School on California's North Coast are helping to spread the word about the importance of conserving marine resources. http://www.ca.blm.gov/zrld
A Close Look at the California Coastal National Monument-
(Archived News.Bytes Extra)
The California Coastal National Monument offers magnificent scenic vistas from the mainland, but getting a closer look at the rocks and islets can be a challenge. Students from the Trinidad area had the opportunity to take to the sea and get a closer look at the and its inhabitants. http://www.ca.blm.gov/hsld
A rich history, diverse
habitat and bountiful recreation opportunities await you at the Fort Ord National Monument. More than 86- miles of trails provide opportunities for you to hike, bike, or ride your horse through the rolling hills and oak woodlands. This largely undeveloped area served as a training facility for
thousands of U.S. Army soldiers from 1917-1994. It's all in the heart of the Monterey Peninsula, with its many attractions, abundant natural resources and beautiful access to the California Coast. http://www.ca.blm.gov/8rld
Seeking Answers Naturally-
County Master Naturalist Program Fields Students of the Environment
(The Californian, 02/05/14)
Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History and the University of California Cooperative Extension join efforts to teach participants how to explore Monterey County's environs in meaningful detail. The Fort Ord National Monument is also among participants. One of its interpretive rangers is set
to take the course this year. The monument's botanist has already taught students in the classes, and participants have used Fort Ord lands for fieldtrips. http://www.ca.blm.gov/qrld
Fort Ord Dedication
(Archived News.Bytes Extra)
A new trailhead at BLM's newest national monument was officially opened for business Friday. The project is the culmination of about ten years of planning and coordination related to access to BLM lands along the Highway 68 corridor. http://www.ca.blm.gov/rrld
Fort Ord National Monument Celebrates Partners
National Make A Difference Day
(Archived News.Bytes Extra)
More than 100 veterans, recreationists, and nature enthusiasts joined the BLM at the Fort Ord National Monument during National Make A Difference Day. The event was co-hosted by the Army Base Realignment and Closure Office, Monterey Off-Road Cycling Association, Bicycle Equestrian Trail
Assistance team , and Fort Ord Recreation Trail Friends. http://www.ca.blm.gov/srld
DISCOVER THE COAST @ Piedras Blancas |
A respite from the modern world, complete with
historic architecture and abundant natural life, await you at the Piedras Blancas Light Station Outstanding Natural Area. Built in 1875 as a safety aid to mariners, the light station once cast a flashing, oil-flame light 25 miles out to sea, warning ship captains to steer clear of the white rocks.
Today, the light station casts a beacon to travelers on scenic California Highway 1. Visits to the light station, minutes from the Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument, are only by guided tour.
Happy Birthday, Piedras Blancas
(BLM Tumblr)
On May 8, 2008, President Bush signed PL 110-229 into law, establishing the Piedras Blancas Light Station Outstanding Natural Area in California. Located on a rugged windswept point of land six miles north of Hearst Castle, along California's scenic Highway One, it was first illuminated as
an aid to navigation in 1875. http://mypubliclands.tumblr.com/search/piedras+blancas
The Piedras Blancas Replica Water and Communication Tower
(Archived News.Bytes Extra)
The recently constructed replica water tower, located at Piedras Blancas Light Station, will carry on the tradition of Point Piedras Blancas as a place of safety communications. http://www.ca.blm.gov/csld
Rocky, the Lonely Lighthouse
(Archived Funny.Bytes)
Rocky has given years of faithful service guiding ships away from the hazardous coast in Central California. Now that modern equipment has replaced tradition, will he be forgotten? Funny.bytes is an occasional look at the lighter side of BLM issues. http://www.ca.blm.gov/5rld
DISCOVER THE COAST @ Point Vicente |
Only minutes away from fast-moving Los Angeles, the
Palos Verdes Peninsula is filled with natural beauty and majestic beaches while providing a great diversity of habitat and life. There are opportunities to enjoy the historic Point Vicente Lighthouse perched 180 feet above the ocean and offering memorable views of Catalina Island and nearby Whale
Rock, a feature of the California Coastal National Monument. Point Vicente Interpretive Center features exhibits on the natural and cultural history of the Peninsula, with a special emphasis on the Pacific gray whale. You can view their annual migration, from December through April, at this premier
whale watch site.
RELATED: VIDEO- Voices of the Coast @ Point Vicente
(BLM YouTube)
Local communities share their thoughts about the coast and invite you to Discover the Coast at Point Vicente, CA. http://youtu.be/8XyieXtC80w
International Coastal Clearnup Day at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
(BLM Facebook)
As part of a worldwide coastal cleanup event, BLM partnered with the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium and others in San Pedro, California to pick up litter and contribute to a healthier ocean. http://ow.ly/tNP1y
Palos Verdes Peninsula Becomes
California Coastal National Monument's First Southern California Gateway
(Archived News.Bytes Extra)
A dozen community and governmental agencies met in late March at the City of Rancho Palos Verdes' Point Vicente Park and Interpretative Center to form the Palos Verdes Peninsula Gateway of the California Coastal National Monument. The Gateway is a collaborative partnership to assist BLM
with the preservation, stewardship, and appreciation of the CCNM, as well as to advance the understanding and protection of California's coastal and ocean resources. http://www.ca.blm.gov/yrld
Mar. 1: The 30th Annual "Whale of a Day" Festival
(BLM Website)
Celebrating the migration of the Pacific Gray Whale from its summer feeding grounds in the Alaska to the winter breeding and calving grounds in Baja, California. Take a tour of the of the Point Vicente Interpretive Center and see the permanent California Coastal National Monument permanent
exhibit. http://www.ca.blm.gov/2rld
Sept. 21: International Coastal Cleanup Day
(Coastal Conservancy Website)
For nearly three decades, the International Coastal Cleanup efforts have mobilized millions of people in the world's largest volunteer effort for our ocean and waterways.
http://www.ca.blm.gov/vrld |
WILDLIFE TRIVIA answer and related websites
Gray whales feed on which of the following?
(c) small crustaceans and tube worms found in ocean sediments.
SOURCE: Gray Whale Fact Sheet
(American Cetacian Society Webpage) http://acsonline.org/fact-sheets/gray-whale/
RELATED: Gray Whale Population Studies
(NOAA Website) http://ow.ly/tNwq1
RELATED: National Marine Sancutuary Foundation
(Facebook Page)
Great blog post on national marine sanctuaries from our friends at the National Aquarium! http://ow.ly/tNwWE
RELATED: 1,000 Gray Whales Born in Mexican Waters
(La Prensa, 02/18/14)
Nearly 1,000 gray whales have been born in Mexico since January, when the marine mammals began arriving in the country's coastal waters, the Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat said. http://ow.ly/tNvK7
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News.bytes published by
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600
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