A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California
Issue 609-01/30/14- Visit us on Facebook -- Follow us on Twitter -- Share us with friends and colleagues!
THIS WEEK IN NEWS.BYTES: - Renewable Energy
- Wildfire Prevention
- Public Lands
- Wild Horse and Burro
America's Great Outdoors
- Wildlife Trivia Question of the Week
- Upcoming Events
- National and Department of the Interior items
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World's Biggest solar Plant May Pave Way for Smaller-Scale Renewable
(The Gaurdian, 01/21/14)
The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System will send that power across California, the Golden State, early this year, becoming the largest solar plant in the world to concentrate the sun's rays to produce electricity.
RELATED: Ivanpah Solar Electric Generation System Project
(BLM Website) http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/needles/nefo_nepa.html
Kids Robotics Lego Team Takes California Fire Prevention to a
New Level
(BLM Facebook)
A group of kids in the Colchis Bulls, Dublin Robotics FIRST Lego League District Tournament, took support for California's "One Less Spark, One Less Wildfire" campaign to a whole new level. They created the Universal Fire Ban-d to prevent wildfires.
RELATED: CWCG Fire Prevention
(CWCG Website)
California Interagency Fire Prevention Campaign- One Less Spark
Burning Banned in Foothills Because of Dry Conditions
(Valley Record. 01/27/14)
The Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection began banning outdoor burning. The ban joins a similar ban that began earlier this month on lands in the Mother Lode region managed by the BLM.
RELATED: BLM Mother Load Field Office
(BLM Website) http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/folsom.html
Wilderness Act Turns 50; Local Celebration Plans
(Martinez News-Gazette, 01/28/14)
The Wilderness Act continues to protect pure lands with the yearly possibility of new designations. Currently, California focus areas of the Wilderness Society are the Sierra Nevada, the San Gabriel Mountains and the California Desert. In California, there are 25 national parks, 18 national
forests, 270 state parks and beaches and over 15 million acres of BLM lands.
RELATED: Wilderness 50 Events
(Wilderness 50 Website) http://www.wilderness50th.org/events.php
The Fort Ord
National Monument
(BLM Tumblr Post)
Fort Ord National Monument
holds some of the last undeveloped natural wildlands on the Monterey Peninsula. Located on the former Fort Ord military base, the BLM protects and manages 35 species of rare plants and animals along with their native coastal habitats.
California Coastal National Monument- Trinidad Gateway
(BLM Facebook Post)
The Trinidad Gateway partners meet quarterly and aim to protect and preserve the diversity of life on the Trinidad coastline and offshore rocks through example, education, and community cooperation.
U.S. Looking for Ideas to Help Manage Wild-Horse
(Washington Post, 01/29/14)
Solving the decades-old problem is the task of the BLM. Already it manages 50,000 horses and burros it has rounded up and sent to pastures and corrals. But it is rapidly running out of places for more.
RELATED: BLM California Wild Horse and Burro Program
(BLM Website) http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/prog/wild_horse_and_burro.html
Unusual Punishment: Woman Sentenced to Read Malcolm Gladwell
(LA Times, 01/28/14)
Ecoterrorist Rebecca Rubin was sentenced Monday to five years in prison -- and to read a book by Malcolm Gladwell. Rubin belonged to a group that acted as part of the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front in the 1990s. Rubin admitted in her plea agreement to freeing horses
at a BLM facility and failed attempts to set fire to a U.S. Forest Industries facility...
Ridgecrest Corrals Resume Horse and Burro Adoptions
(BLM News Release)
The BLM Ridgecrest Regional Wild Horse and Burro Corrals will resume adopting animals as well as shipping and receiving animals effective immediately.
BLM Offering Halter-Trained Wild Horses for Adoption in Ferndale. Feb. 8 and 9:
(BLM News Release)
You can adopt one these beautiful animals at the the annual Back Country Horsemen's Association pack clinic. More burros and horses are available for adoption throughout the year, at the Litchfield and Ridgecrest corrals.
(News.Bytes Extra)
The annual winter bat survey, an effort led and organized by bat biologist Patricia Brown, and supported by the BLM-El Centro Field Office. A handful of volunteers and BLM staff gather for this twice-yearly event.
Recreating in BLM El Centro Area
(News.Bytes Extra)
Hiking in the Coyote Mountains Wilderness, or Superstition Mountain OHV Open Area are all great ways to discover America's Great Outdoors.
2014 Eagle Hikes in
the Cache Creek Wilderness
(News.Bytes Extra)
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act of 1964, the BLM Ukiah Field Office will continue to lead Wilderness Eagle Hikes on weekends through February 15, 2014. Hikes are free to the public and are incredibly popular. People come from as far away as northern Europe just to
see wintering bald eagles, red-tail hawks, golden eagles and egrets.
Sacramento Rail Trail: Prepared to be Awed!
(Redding News Cafe, 01/28/14)
There is something for everyone on the Sacramento River Rail Trail. You may choose Iron Mountain Road (Rock Creek Road junction) trailhead or just 2 miles ahead you'll find Keswick Boat Ramp trailhead.
For the Birds... Annual Festival Kicks Off This Saturday, Feb.
(Galt Heald, 01/29/14)
It's time to celebrate the wildlife of winter with your family at the seventh annual Galt Winter Bird Festival. Nearly 1,000 area students participated in the seventh annual Winter Bird Festival Art Contest...
RELATED: Winter Bird Festival
(KTXL-Sacramento, 01/29/14)
Video spotligh from Sabrina Rodriguez , where the city of Galt is holding its Seventh Annual Winter Bird Festival.
Group Tackles Kern River Corridor
(ABC News 23, 01/24/14)
A local group is taking it upon themselves to prevent any further damage to the Kern River corridor caused by campers who have trashing the area and abusing the environment. They will be teaming up with the Bureau of Land Management and cleaning up the Keyesville special recreation
management area.
RELATED: BLM Bakersfield Field Office
(BLM Website) http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/bakersfield.html

The Desert Discovery Center Gets a Metal of Honor
(BLM Facebook Post)
The BLM Desert Discovery Center is the recipient of the San Bernardino County Education Metal of Honor for Volunteers in Action/Service Group.

Sea Stars, formerly referred to as "starfish", have which of the following characteristics:
(a) Multiple arms (5-24)
(b) Regenerate two new arms for every one that has been lost
(c) Hundreds of tube feet per arm
(d) Hundreds of small eyes all over their body
(e) A mouth located on the bottom side of the central diskHow far do gray whales migrate?
(f) All of the above
(g) a, c, and e
See answer - and more information near the end of this News.bytes.
Feb. 1: 7th Annual Winter Bird Festival
(City of Galt Webpage)
The city of Galt in collaboration with BLM Cosumnes River Preserve and the Galt Joint Union Elementary and High School Districts are hosting a birding festival, including paddling and photography tours.
Feb. 4, 11, and 12: BLM Solicits Public Comment to Prepare Environmental Impact Statement on Oil and Gas Leasing and Development
(BLM News Release)
seeking public comments on how oil and gas resources on lands with federal mineral estate should be managed in the BLM's Hollister Field Office and whether the BLM should include areas of California beyond the Hollister Field Office in this process.
Feb. 6: Public Invited to Provide Input for OHV Grant Proposals
(BLM News Release)
The BLM Ridgecrest Field Office has scheduled an open house to allow the public an opportunity to provide input in the development of several off-highway vehicle grant proposals. BLM staff will present an overview of grant proposals and be available to answer questions. Proposed grant
applications are being prepared for FY 2015 submission to the California State Parks, Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHVMR).
Feb. 8: Photo Hike! Indian Pass Arches
(BLM News Release)
Want to learn how to use that DSLR you got over the holidays? Or finally figure out how to use the one you already have? Photographers from the Imperial Valley Friends of Photography Club will join us on the hike to give you pointers on composition, exposure, techniques, etc.
Feb. 10: Upcoming Deadlines for Greater Sage-Grouse and Bi-State Sage-Grouse Project
(BLM NV Facebook)
Feb. 14: BLM Announces Application Period for Dunes Subgroup
(BLM News Release)
The BLM's California Desert District Desert Advisory Council announces an open application period for membership on its Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area subgroup.
Feb. 15: Piedras Blancas Birthday Celebration Living
History Tour
(BLM Website)
The Piedras Blancas Light Station was first illuminated on February 14, 1875. In celebration of the 139th birthday of the lighthouse there will be a living history tour on Saturday, February 15, 2014. Guides and assistants will be dressed in period attire. Enactors will bring light station
history to life.
Feb. 15: Indian Pass Arches-Dog Hike
(BLM Facebook)
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act by taking a hike over President's Day Weekend! Join a BLM park ranger for a moderate hike in mostly sandy/cobble wash, with slight elevation gain/loss, approx. 3.5 miles roundtrip. Granitic boulders and volcanic spires dominate the scenery, and
everywhere geology speaks.
Feb. 15: Striking It Rich- Fan Hill Hike
(BLM CA Facebook)
The Fan Hill hike is
near Sky Valley and the Joshua Tree National Park Wilderness. This is the first of seve hikes that are planned for 2014 in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act.
Feb. 25 and 27: Public Meetings Scheduled to Solicit Comments on Route 66 Management Plan
(BLM News Release)
The BLM, in coordination with the California Historic Route 66 Association, will prepare a corridor management plan for the segment of the historic Route 66 within the BLM California Desert District that extends from the western city limits of Barstow, California to the Colorado River.
http://www.ca.blm.gov/lqld |
DOI Video: This Week at Interior January 24, 2014
(DOI YouTube)
Here's what happened this week at Interior: Secretary Jewell celebrates the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. with a Day of Service in Washington DC; the Secretary visits Colorado to discuss sage grouse conservation efforts, and touts her youth initiative at an outdoor retailer
market in Salt Lake City, Utah; the Secretary wraps up her western swing with a visit to south central New Mexico; and $16.5 million in grants are announced to help conserve critical coastal wetlands sites.
WILDLIFE TRIVIA ANSWER and related information |
Sea Stars, formerly referred to as "starfish", have
which of the following characteristics:
(g) a, c, and e
EXPLANATION: Sea stars do have multiple arms, and can regenerate arms when lost, but not two at a time. Some sea stars start with a smaller number of arms and grow more as they get older. Sea stars do have hundreds of tube feet on the bottom of
each arm, but there are only two eyes per arm.
Sea Stars Photo Gallery
(National Geographic Website)
Exploring the Rocky Shores of the Southern Oregon Coast
(Oregon Tidepooling.com Website):
RELATED: Starfish Die-off: What's Killing Sea Stars Along the California Coastline?
(Los Altos Patch, 01/03/14)
Starfish are mysteriously dying from a 'sea star wasting disease' and scientists aren't sure whom or what to blame.
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News.bytes published by
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600
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