In 2013, we shared 175 field stories in our weekly News.Bytes publication and provided daily posts on our social media pages to better inform and connect you to our programs and landscapes. Here are a few of our highlights:
Secretary Jewell Visits Point Arena
Stornetta Public Lands in Mendocino County
(News.Bytes Extra Archive)
More than 300 residents of the Mendocino Coast turned out for a public listening session hosted by Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to share the community vision to conserve a scenic and significant area of coastal public lands in Mendocino County. Secretary Jewell was joined by
Congressman Jared Huffman, BLM Principal Deputy Director Neil Kornze, and BLM California State Director, Jim Kenna.
Iraqi Delegation learns
about Oil and Gas Operations
(News.bytes Extra Archive)
Petroleum, chemical and environmental engineers from an Iraq delegation, sponsored by the State Department, visited the Bakersfield Field Office to learn more about baseline environmental information and developing new approaches to mitigate environmental impacts.
Midway-Sunset oil field tour highlights
energy issues
(News.Bytes Extra Archive)
Norimitsu Onishi, New York Times San Francisco Bureau chief, interviews Jeff Prude, petroleum engineer and Gabe Garcia, Minerals Division chief, both from the Bakersfield Field Office, during a tour of the Midway-Sunset oil field. Oil production in California has received national media
interest due to potential production in the Monterey Shale formation and proposed state and federal fracking regulations.
The Piedras Blancas Replica Water and Communication
(News.Bytes Extra Archive)
The recently constructed replica water tower, located at Piedras Blancas Light Station, will carry on the tradition of Point Piedras Blancas as a place of safety communications.
Successful Sage-Grouse Habitat Protection in Spring Peak Fire Management
(News.Bytes Extra Archive)
In the Spring Peak Fire and the nearby Indian Fire of 2012, the Bishop BLM and the US Forest Service worked with the Incident Commander and the fire team to keep firefighters and public safe, protect the ghost towns, and allow for some wildlife habitat to remain in the form of unburned
islands, primarily made up of sagebrush and bitterbrush. These green islands provide a natural seed source to help the area revegetate after the fire.
International Coastal Cleanup Day at
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
(BLM Twitter Timeline)
The BLM partnered with Cabrillo Marine Aquarium and others on a beach cleanup to celebrate International Coastal Cleanup Day. See photos, videos, and links from our September 21, 2012 #DiscoveryTheCoast Twitter timeline.
United Desert Gateway
16th Annual Dunes Clean-Up
(Imperial Sand Dunes Facebook)
The clean-up, one of the largest in the state, typically draws more than 1,000 volunteers and is funded through a BLM partnership with the United Desert Gateway and private sponsors. An important component of BLM California's Strategic Framework, this partnership enhances recreation,
increases public safety and develops community participation and involvement.
2013 Outdoor Youth Summit
Multicultural Experiences in America's Great Outdoors
(News.Bytes Extra Archive)
The BLM and US Forest Service hosted the 2nd Annual Outdoor Summit for Youth. The focus was on multicultural experiences and the importance of connecting diverse youth with the outdoors. In addition to a rich and diverse youth panel discussion, breakout sessions, and Expo, participants
explored ways to expand opportunities to better connect young people with the outdoors and the field of natural resources.
Twitter Timeline for the California Outdoor Youth Summit:
Youthful Talent and Enthusiasm are
Benefitting the Public Lands
(News.Bytes Extra Archive)
More than 30 youth hires, including interns, college graduates and high school students, are helping with recovery from last summer's Rush Fire, establishing rangeland monitoring points, working on the new South Side Recreation Trail, assisting with sage-grouse conservation, and improving
conditions at the Fort Sage Off Highway Vehicle Area near Doyle.
Youth Engaged
in the Wild Horse and Burro Program
(News.Bytes Extra Archive)
The Ridgecrest Regional Wild Horse and Burro Corrals partnered with the Kern County Fair to create the Kern County Youth Wild Horse and Burro Project.
National Public
Lands Day Events 2013
(BLM CA Facebook)
Photos of various 2013 Natioal Public Lands Day activities with BLM California. #NPLD