Issue 604

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Title: News.bytes, issue 593 - BLM California - 02-28-13
A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California

Issue 604- 12/12/13   -  
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Cover image of calendar...desert landscape.Volunteer at
work day.Lighthouse and California Coastal MonumentBLM law
enforcement officer and their vehicle. Young boy carries a rake for work day.

- Free Offer: Monthly Planner
- America's Great Outdoors
- Solar Energy
- BLM Social Media Pages
Trivia Question of the Week
- Upcoming Events
- Headlines and Highlights: Assorted topics from your public lands in California
- National and Department of the Interior items

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Calendar front image of desert landscapeFREE OFFER! BLM California 2014 Monthly Planner
Celebrating America's 50th Anniversary of the National Wilderness Preservation System, this monthly planner features stunning photographs of BLM California Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas.

Giveaway Rules:
Giveaway begins Friday, December 13, at 9:00 a.m. (Pacific Time).
Limit one per person.
This giveaway is open to members of the public.
BLM employees are ineligible to participate.


Work Crew pose on the Pacific Crest Trail. Crew Work on the Pacific Crest Trail
(News.bytes Extra)
Two crews from the American Conservation Experience recently completed trail work on the Spanish Needle Creek drainage section of the Pacific Crest Trail. The ACE crews and other volunteers put in over 1,000 hours of time to address erosion and safety concerns on the trail.

Young boy carries a rake for the work day. National Public Lands Day Work Out
(News.bytes Extra)
Arriving as strangers, leaving as a team, National Public Lands Day brought over fifty people together in a remote canyon in the Santa Rosa Mountains in southern California.

A family walks up a sandy dune. Wild Dune Walk - and Ride - About

(News.bytes Extra)
A group of hikers interested in burning off some Thanksgiving calories joined a BLM El Centro park ranger for a Take it Outside hike to the North Algodones Dunes Wilderness.

BLM employees stand a a group watching the event. What's Up, Buttercup?

(News.bytes Extra)
The unveiling of a new interpretive kiosk at the Buttercup Ranger Station (Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area) took place on the heels of a storm that dropped almost one-half inch of rain on the area. Not bad for an area with an annual total rainfall of 3 inches!


Solar panels in desert.Feds Plan Scrutiny of Effects of Valley Solar Projects
(MyDesert, 12/11/13)
With two large-scale solar projects on public land east of the Coachella Valley now pumping power onto the grid, the BLM is developing a plan to monitor the long-term effects of solar development in the desert.

Desert Land Near Arizona Border Targeted for Solar Development
(National Public Radio, 12/11/13)
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is hosting a couple of public meetings in Palm Springs this week that could set a course for the future of large scale solar development on federal land.

U.S. Bureau of Land Management Seeks Input on Solar
(Desert Sun, 12/08/13)
BLM has scheduled a two-day public workshop starting Wednesday in Palm Springs to discuss the strategy it is developing for monitoring the environmental impacts of large-scale solar projects on public land east of the Coachella Valley.

RELATED: BLM California Solar
(BLM Website)
On public lands, solar development for large-scale electricity projects is just beginning, but the future looks bright.


On BLM Social Media Pages....

Volunteers prepare for the work day event. BLM California Facebook: National Public Lands Day Event at Lower Rock Creek Trail. The BLM Bishop Field Office partnered with the US Forest Service, Friends of the Inyo, Fat Bike Mammoth and the International Mountain Bike Association partnered to...

Historic photo of an old car driving on plank road in the Imperial Sand Dunes. BLM Imperial Sand Dunes Facebook: Plank Road: how the dunes were won...

Photo of a lighthouse and the ocean at the California Coastal National Monument. BLM National Facebook:
MONUMENT MONDAY- California Coastal National Monument Celebrates 14th Anniversary.


(a) are plants with a symbiotic relationship with phytoplankton
(b) are micro-sized leaves
(c) reproduce by means of spores
(d) b and c
(e) all of the above

See answer - and more wildlife stories - near the end of this News.bytes.


Dec. 11 and 12: BLM to host Riverside East Monitoring and Adaptive Management Public Workshops
(BLM News Release)
BLM hosting a workshop to discuss the Riverside East Solar Energy Zone Monitoring and Adaptive Management Strategy.

People walking with family and dog on desert hike.Dec. 14: Fossil Canyon Dog Hike
(BLM Facebook)
Bring your well-behaved best friend and join a BLM Park Ranger for an easy hike in Fossil Canyon.

Dec. 21: Old Woman Wilderness to Celebrate Anniversary of Wilderness Act
(BLM News Release)
BLM Needles Field Office invites the public to participate in the Old Woman Cabins Hike in the Old Woman Wilderness.

Jan. 8- 9, 2014: Public Meetings Scheduled for Soda Mountain Solar Project in San Bernardino County
(BLM News Release)
The BLM has scheduled two public meetings for public comment on the Soda Mountain Solar Project's draft environmental documents. Meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Comfort Suites, 2571 Fisher Blvd., Barstow.


Photo of a speaker at a Route 66 meeting. Corridor Management Plan Seeks Scenic Byway Designation for Route 66
(Needles Desert Star, 12/11/13)
Members of the California division of the Bureau of Land Management and the California Historic Route 66 Association met Dec. 3 as part of a multi-day tour of The Mother Road.

RELATED: Historic Route 66
(BLM Webpage)
Officially established on November 11, 1926, US Route 66 began in Chicago, Illinois and terminated in Los Angeles, California a distance of 2,448 miles. It was one of the original highways in the US highway system, and probably the most famous.

Battery powered light sitting on rocks.Hiker Finds Mysterious Mountain Lights Above Palm Springs
(MyDesert, 12/11/13)
A BLM official says the lights could be removed if they turn out to be placed on federal land. Palm Springs City Manager David Ready says the city would probably let them be... for now.

BLM law enforcement rangers and their vehicle.The 'Unique' Work of Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Rangers
(Imperial Valley Press, 12/08/13)
"El Centro is really dynamic because the workload here is really diverse," BLM Chief Law Enforcement Ranger Nathan Mendes said. "A lot of people see us during the high-visibility times at Glamis during the holidays but that's only a small part of our function here."

RELATED: VIDEO: Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Rangers Handle Unique Position in Desert
(Imperial Valley Press, 12/08/13)


Photo clip from DOI video.DOI VIDEO: Here's What Happened This Week (DOI YouTube) ... water rights issues in the Klamath Basin area see real progress, we get a peek at Lythronax argestes (A.K.A., 'The King of Gore of the Southwest'), and the National Christmas Tree Lighting.

TRIVIA answer and related websites
Microphyll plantMicrophylls...
(d) b and c

Photo Credit: C.H. Lamoureux

RELATED: Definition of a microphyll
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
A leaf (as of a club moss) with single unbranched veins and no demonstrable gap around the leaf trace.

RELATED: Lycophyta: The leaves of lycophytes are microphylls
(UC Berkeley Website)

RELATED: Wild Dune Walk - and Ride - About
(Newsbytes Extra)
BLM lead a group of hikers through the biologically diverse microphyll woodlands on the east side of the dunes.

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News.bytes published by
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600

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