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Secretary Jewel
Visits Point Arena Stornetta Public Lands in Mendocino County
(News.bytes Extra)
More than 300 residents of the Mendocino Coast turned out for a public listening session hosted by Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to share the community vision to conserve a scenic and significant area of coastal public lands in Mendocino County. Secretary Jewell was joined by
Congressman Jared Huffman and the BLM Principal Deputy Director Neil Kornze.
Huffman and Secretary Jewell Tour Point Arena-Stornetta Public
(Ukiah Daily Journal, 11/08/13)
Congressman Jared Huffman joined Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell for a tour of the Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands on California's North Coast. Huffman and Jewell also held a public meeting to discuss the addition of the public lands to the California Coastal National Monument.
Point Arena Hopes
Interior Secretary Likes What She Sees
(The Press Demoncrat, 11/08/13)
Like the stickers worn by many gathered round hoping to win Jewell's support for expansion of the California Coastal National Monument onto land, it was if the whales themselves were urging, "Yes."
RELATED: BLM Stornetta Public Lands
(BLM Website)
The 1,132 acre Stornetta Public Lands are located along the Mendocino County coastline just north of the town of Point Arena.
Ridgecrest and Barstow BLM Team Up for Outreach
(News.bytes Extra)
BLM Park Ranger Arthur (Art) Basulto from the Barstow Field Office, along with Ridgecrest Field Office wildlife biologist Caroline Woods and Resources Branch Chief Robert Pawelek, provided educational outreach during the Community Day held at Naval Air Weapons Station.
On BLM Social Media Pages....
BLM California Facebook Photo Post: BLM Public Workshops in California and Nevada are scheduled for the Draft Greater Sage-grouse Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). See the schedule
Preserving the Memories of General Patton and the Desert Training Center
(News.bytes Extra)
Acknowledgments and memories were shared at the 25th Annual Veterans Day Celebration, held November 11, 2013 at the General Patton Memorial Museum located at Chiriaco Summit, California.
RELATED: World War II Desert Training Center
(BLM Website)
The Desert Training Center was created in 1942...
A Recent Retiree from the Bishop BLM Office, Was
Honored at the Annual California On Location Awards
(News.bytes Extra)
Donna McMullen, a recent retiree from the Bishop BLM Field Office, was honored at the annual California On Location Awards in Beverly Hills Hotel. She has spent many years handling filming permits for projects in Inyo and Mono County on BLM-managed lands.
Arcata Becomes First BLM Field Office to Enter Consortium of California Herbaria
(News.bytes Extra)
Thanks to the work of Tristan Cole, a conservation and land management intern the Chicago Botanical Garden Conservation Science Program, the BLM Arcata Field Office is the first in California to add plant species to the Consortium of California Herbaria database.
http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsbytes/2013/600_extra_-arcata.html |

What animals can be seen in the winter at the BLM Cache Creek Natural Area, steal the prey of osprey and aquatic mammals, and sometimes hunt and play together as a team?
(a) brown bears
(b) river otters
(c) great blue herons
(d) bald eagles
(e) garter snakes
See answer - and more wildlife stories - near the end of this News.bytes. |
Feds Seek Nominations for Public Lands Recreation Committee
(Sacramento Bee, 11/08/13)
The Recreation Resource Advisory Committee serves the U.S. Forest Service and BLM. The committee provides recommendations on recreation fees for federal lands. Each member serves for three years, starting in March 2014.
An Informative Evening with The Sierra Fund
(YubanNet, 11/6/13)
Representatives from the BLM and the United States Geological Survey presented the results of assessments of historic mines in the Deer Creek Stocking Flat area, Hirschman's Pond and the Lonesome Lake area on the San Juan Ridge.
A Partnership "Treading" New Ground - Prevention of Illegal Dumping
(News.bytes Extra)
More than 3,000 tires were collected in Nevada County in an event to help deter illegal dumping on public lands.
http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsbytes/2013/600_extra_-prevention.html |
Obama Picks Nevadan Neil Kornze as Next BLM Head
(High Country News, 11/11/13)
A native Nevadan is expected to become the next overseer of much of the West's public lands. Neil Kornze is President Obama's nominee to head the BLM. Kornze worked on renewable and conventional energy development, transmission siting, and conservation policy. He was instrumental in the
Western Solar Plan, which established 17 solar energy zones on public land...
This Week at Interior November 8, 2013
(DOI YouTube)
... the Secretary travels to California to launch her youth and public lands education and employment initiative
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Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600
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