A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California
Issue 586 - July 3, 2013
- Fire News
America's Great Outdoors
- On our Facebook pages
- On our other social media pages
- Not for educators only: Wildlife trivia question of the week
- Wildlife Trivia Correction
- Wild horses and burros
- Headlines and highlights: Assorted topics from your public lands in California
- National and Department of the Interior items
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REMINDER: It is illegal to possess or use fireworks and/or pyrotechnics on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) managed lands. Illegal possession or use of fireworks can result in fines up to $1,000 and/or up to six months in jail for each
offense, and the laws also provide for seizure and forfeiture of all such materials from individuals by law enforcement. These restrictions include the restriction of possession and use of all fireworks (including safe and sane) and exploding targets on BLM managed public lands.
"Secretary Jewell's Visit to Fire Incident Command Posts in Arizona"
(Department of the Interior, 07/03/13)
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell visited the Incident Command Posts for the Yarnell Fire and Dean Peak Fire in Arizona, where she met with first responders and volunteers. Secretary Jewell thanked them for their service as they work to contain the fires and protect human life and
property. Jewell, along with Principal Deputy Director of the Bureau of Land Management Neil Kornze, met with Incident Commanders Clay Templin and Mike Quesinberry where they received a brief update on the efforts of state and local responders to contain the fire. http://www.ca.blm.gov/h7kd
"Statement by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell on the Wildfire in Arizona"
(Department of the Interior, 07/01/13)
I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of 19 members of the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot crew yesterday near Yarnell, Arizona. I join all Interior Department employees in honoring their courage and sacrifice and standing with their families in their time of grief. The word "hero" can
be overused, but in this case the word fails to do justice to these firefighters who stood in the path of a roaring inferno to protect their communities. http://www.ca.blm.gov/96kd
"Fire Crews Participate in Readiness Drills, Deemed Ready for Action"
(News.bytes Extra)
BLM fire crews across northern California completed readiness drills over the past several weeks, demonstrating proficiency in areas of firefighting ranging from engine operations, deploying over rugged terrain, and helicopter use. In the drills, crews respond to simulated fires,
demonstrating skills to BLM fire program leaders and subject matter experts. The drills are designed to ensure that firefighters are well prepared, and that any deficiencies are discovered and corrected.
"BLM Starts Additional Fire Restrictions in Mariposa County" (BLM, 06/28/13)
Effective July 3, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is implementing additional fire restrictions on all BLM-managed public lands in Mariposa County. These restrictions prohibit all open fires on public lands, including campfires in campgrounds, because of extremely dry conditions,
according to Gerald Martinez, BLM's Mother Lode Field Office fire management officer. "With the recent high temperatures, fuels are extremely dry," he said.
http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/june/mariposacountyfirerestrictions.html |
Want to cool down this summer? Ride the rapids on the Merced Wild & Scenic River.
Keep in mind, though, that a quickly-melting snowpack is creating high flows and very cold water -- kayaking and rafting conditions are challenging and potentially dangerous for now. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/folsom/merced.html |
What are the main predators of California sea lions?
(a.) electric eels and jellyfish
(b.) dolphins, protecting their near-shore breeding grounds
(c.) whales and squid
(d.) orcas and sharks
(e.) humans
(f.) other sea lions
(g.) loan sharks
See answer near the end of this News.bytes. |
In issue 585 we published the photo to the left as a Common Kingsnake, but it is in fact a California
Mountain Kingsnake. The News.bytes Team would like to thank Dr. Glenn R. Stewart from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona for catching the mislabeling. To learn more about the California Mountain Kingsnake please visit the BLM California Wildlife Database at:
http://www.blm.gov/ca/forms/wildlife/details.php?metode=serial_number&search=2461 |
"Mustangs: How to Manage America's Wild Horses? The Debate Rages" (Los Angeles Times, 07/01/13)
The decades-long debate over how to manage America's wild horses has descended into an often-rancorous feud between animal advocates and state and federal authorities. BLM officials say the mustang population is out of control. Activists insist the agency has scapegoated an animal whose poise and
dignity make it an apt symbol of the West. Bureau spokesman Tom Gorey calls the overheated battle the "natural-resource version of abortion. There is no easy way out, no fast way to a solution, no quick turnaround," he said. "The intensity brought by both sides makes everything harder." The agency
says it does the best it can to protect Western range lands with diminishing resources. http://www.ca.blm.gov/c7kd
RELATED: "California Wild Horse & Burro Adoption Schedule"
California has two wild horse and burro preparation facilities where you can visit or adopt your very own California wild horse or burro. We have a facility in Litchfield, outside Susanville, and we have one in Ridgecrest. We also have a small adoption facility in Redlands in southern
California. In addition, the BLM holds satellite adoptions throughout California.
RELATED: "Report Inhumane Treatment" (National Wild Horse and Burro Program)
If you observe or have factual information that a federally protected wild horse or wild burro has been treated inhumanely or sold to slaughter, please contact the BLM at wildhorse@xxxxxxx or at 866-4MUSTANGS (866-468-7826) with your name, contact information, and specific information about what
you saw or know about.
http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/whbprogram.html |
"BLM's Bakersfield Field Office Hosts Information Meeting for Case Mountain Access" (BLM, 07/01/13)
The Bureau of Land Management's Bakersfield Field Office will host a public information meeting on July 9 in Three Rivers to discuss progress on the opportunity to acquire additional lands and public access to the Case Mountain area.This meeting will follow up on the information, ideas, and
concerns the community expressed during the May 29 public workshop in Three Rivers. Using this feedback, the BLM has developed some alternatives to address access to public lands and the potential acquisition of a portion of the Craig Ranch. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/june/casemtnaccess.html
"Bureau of Land Management Bishop Office to Hold Public Meetings on Campground Fees" (BLM, 06/27/13)
The BLM's Bishop Field Office is seeking public feedback on its campground fees and Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA) permits. Three public open houses will be held in July. BLM campground fees are currently among the lowest in the Eastern Sierra, said Becca Brooke supervisory resource management
specialist in the Bishop Field Office. BLM reviews fees every other year and is considering an increase to be closer to those charged by other agencies.
"Nick's Interns are Making a Difference on California's North Coast"
(News.bytes Extra)
For the past decade, young people on California's North Coast have been improving public lands, building their natural resources knowledge and developing career skills, all while honoring the memory of an exemplary young man. The students are part of Nick's Interns, a natural resources
conservation crew hosted by seven government and private organizations focused on improving habitats critical for animals, plants and people.
"L.A., Owens Valley Settle Dispute Over Dust Control"
(Los Angeles Times, 06/26/13)
Los Angeles and the Owens Valley have reached a settlement in their dispute over new measures to control dust storms that have blown across the eastern Sierra Nevada since L.A. opened an aqueduct a century ago that drained Owens Lake.Under terms of the agreement, the Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power will fast-track mitigation measures that do not use water, and the utility will be allowed to lay down a thinner layer of gravel to suppress dust.
"Fracking Near Shafter Raises Questions About Drilling Practices"
(The Sacramento Bee, 06/30/13)
Stretching from Los Angeles north along the coast and into the San Joaquin Valley, the formation is not just another potential new source of domestic oil. It is the grand prize, the richest oil shale formation in America. If it can be fully exploited - and that is not yet clear - it is
estimated to hold enough oil to create hundreds of thousands of jobs, flood the state with tax revenue and halt oil imports to California for a half-century. Others, though, advise caution. "There is tremendous (scientific) uncertainty," said Michael Kiparsky, associate director of UC Berkeley's
Wheeler Institute for Water Law and Policy and co-author of a recent report that found gaping holes in California's regulation of fracking.
CalNev Pipeline Expansion to Carry Fuel to Nevada" (The Press-Enterprise, 06/28/13) Construction could start next year on a long-proposed plan to expand an underground pipeline system that carries gasoline and other fuel across the Mojave
Desert between Colton and Las Vegas. A final environmental report required under the National Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act is expected in December, followed by a final decision on the project, said Rich Rotte, a realty specialist in BLM's Barstow office. BLM
must review the project because the pipeline runs through federal land managed by the agency."It's been a long time. We're getting close," Rotte said. "They still have to do surveys and plot exactly where they're going to put it." http://www.ca.blm.gov/j7kd
RELATED: "Calnev Pipeline Expansion Project" (Barstow Field Office)
http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/barstow/calnev_page.html |
"New Interior Secretary Promotes Outdoor Recreation" (Associated Press,
06/28/13) New Interior Secretary Sally Jewell traveled to a gathering of Western governors who complained about federal control of public lands that make up much of the West and Alaska. In a private moment, she won over the politicians with promises of collaboration, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper
said. Jewell devoted much of her prepared remarks to the importance of outdoor recreation as a major economic driver, even as many of the governors put their priority on energy development. http://www.ca.blm.gov/g7kd
"Secretary Jewell Underscores Commitment to Strengthening Partnership with Tribal Nations" (Department of the Interior, 06/27/13)
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell told tribal leaders that upholding the nation's trust responsibilities to American Indians and Alaska Natives is a moral imperative and sacred duty, underscoring the President's commitment to a true and lasting government-to-government relationship with Tribal
Nations. The White House Council on Native American Affairs, which Jewell will chair as Secretary of the Interior, will improve interagency coordination, efficiency and will expand efforts to leverage federal programs and resources available to tribal communities. http://www.ca.blm.gov/b7kd
"Interior Secretary Jewell Makes Emotional Pledge to Native Americans to Help Right Past Wrongs" (The Washington Post, 06/27/13)
In her first address to Indian Country as the 51st U.S. Interior Secretary, Sally Jewell made an emotional pledge Thursday to help right past wrongs against Native Americans and work together with tribes "nation-to-nation" to protect their sovereignty and develop their cultural and natural
resources to become more economically self-reliant.Jewell, who became secretary in April, fought back tears and paused to compose herself near the close of her remarks to about 300 delegates of the National Congress of American Indians in Reno. The casino-ballroom audience gave her a standing
http://www.ca.blm.gov/l7kd |
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News.bytes published by
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600
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