A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California
Issue 430 - 5/5/10
- America's Great Outdoors: Stewardship award, wildlife viewing, wildflowers, weekend outing
- Not for educators only: Wildlife trivia question of the week
- Wild horses and burros: Adoption events
- Wildfires and prevention
- Headlines and highlights: New field office manager, recreation area, jobs, more
- Meet your advisory committee members
- Selected upcoming events
- Department of the Interior items: California water
Also see this issue of News.bytes online at:

bald eagle
What does a bald eagle's white head and tail signify?
(a.) It is a male.
(b.) It is ready to move out of its parents' nest.
(c.) It is at least five years old.
(d.) It has offspring.
(e.) Received its first cable bill.
------> See answer -- and more on eagles-- near the end of this issue.
"Horses, burros available for adoption in Grass Valley" (BLM news release, 5/3/10)
This weekend: Residents of the Grass Valley area will have the opportunity to add a horse or burro to their families when the Bureau of Land Management brings its Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program to the Nevada County Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 8. The BLM will offer 40 horses, mostly yearlings, and 10 burros for adoption. Anyone interested can preview the animals when they arrive at about 3 p.m. on Friday, May 7.
"Livermore event finds homes for horses and burros" (News.bytes Extra)
Ten horses and eight burros found new homes at the bureau of Land Management wild horse and burro adoption Saturday and Sunday in Livermore. The adoption was held in conjunction with the California State Horseman’s Spring Stampede.
http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsbytes/2010/430xtra_whb_livermore.html |
"Emergency responders work together to train for 2010 fire season" (Paso Robles Press, 5/4/10)
"Approximately 200 firefighters from throughout the San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Monterey counties - including representatives from the United States Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management - gathered in Santa Margarita Saturday, May 1 for the annual Wildland Urban Interface training exercise aimed at preparing fire fighters for the approaching fire season...."
"AmeriCorps crews help reduce fire danger in Sierra Foothills" (News.bytes Extra)
Young Americans from across the United States are working to reduce fire danger and restore habitat this spring in the Sierra foothills. Members of the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps are currently serving with the Bureau of Land Management to reduce fuels in a number of areas including the Gold Run area, Cameron Park, Davis Mill just outside of Nevada City, and Skunk Hollow by Placerville.
"Fire officials warn Inland residents to prepare for wildfires" (Riverside Press-Enterprise, 5/5/10)
"The state fire chief said Tuesday that an extremely wet winter may stave off tinder dry conditions but could increase the danger of rich fuels by the end of the summer." He "used his only Southern California visit to kick off this week's Wildfire and Arson Awareness Week."
"BLM sells timber at Hoadley Peak to reduce fire danger and benefit renewable energy" (BLM news release, 5/5/10)
A timber harvest began this week on public lands east of Lewiston (west of Redding), aimed at reducing fire danger, producing biomass to further renewable energy goals, and benefitting the local economy. The work was authorized by the Bureau of Land Management.
"Learn how you can create defensible space" (California Fire Alliance)
How to create defensible space around your propert,y to reduce the risk of losing your home - even in severe wildfire.
http://takeresponsibility.cafirealliance.com/wildland.php |
"Bureau of Land Management names new El Centro Field Office Manager" (BLM news release, 5/5/10)
Margaret L. Goodro has been selected as the new field manager for the Bureau of Land Management’s El Centro Field Office. Goodro will assume her full time duties on June 6, 2010. Learn more:
"H.R. 86, Orange County, California Rocks and Small Islands" (BLM national website, 4/28/10)
Statement of Marcilynn A. Burke, Deputy Director, Bureau of Land Management before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests. (The document is a PDF file.)
"Tehama County is backing Bend" (Red Bluff Daily News, 5/3/10)
"In a board-splitting decision, county supervisors voted 3-2 Tuesday to endorse the creation of a National Recreation Area outside Bend. The endorsement allows Sen. Barbara Boxer to continue a plan to change the designation of some 18,000 acres of Bureau of Land Management controlled land through legislation."
RELATED: "Sacramento River National Recreation Area" (Tehama County website)
Information on the proposed legislation.
RELATED: "Tehama recreation: Sacramento River Bend Area" (BLM Redding Field Office)
From lush riparian areas along the Sacramento River and its tributaries to the expanse of blue oak savannah, the Sacramento River Bend Area offers diverse habitat for bald eagles, osprey, migratory and song birds, deer, and salmon as well as hunting, camping, hiking, boating, picnicking, and wildlife viewing for the recreating public. Download and print the Sacramento River Bend brochure and map or view the slide show of the area.
 "San Bernardino County scientists and Las Vegas residents hope to preserve fossil-rich Tule Springs" (Riverside Press-Enterprise, 5/1/10)
A team from the San Bernardino County Museum has spent three years "evaluating the geology and harvesting fossils" from Tule Springs near North Las Vegas, with a grant from the BLM. "What they have found so far indicates a unique site that contains not only a wide variety of fossilized Ice Age animals, but a more extensive record of prehistoric time than in any other region of the Southwest."
"Explorer's cave ordeal is a 'life-changer'" (San Diego Union-Tribune, 5/4/10)
"Stuck in a crevice in a remote cave for nearly 11 hours, Brent Colvin wondered at times if he was going to make it. He thought about his wife. Fellow caving enthusiast Jim Ness climbed in and stood upright next to Colvin for hours, trying to keep him calm and reassure him. Neither man was sure there was going to be a good outcome though they didn’t say that out loud." Rescuers including BLM personnel responded from across southern California.
"BLM Announces environmental assessment for sheep grazing allotments" (BLM news release, 4/29/10)
The Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office is conducting a 30-day public scoping period for an environmental assessment that will consider a range of alternatives for grazing domestic sheep on two allotments in Mono County.
"Experimental Stewardship Steering Committee meets May 20-21 in Cedarville" (BLM news release, 5/4/10)
Members of the Modoc-Washoe Experimental Stewardship Steering Committee will discuss rangeland management issues when they hold a meeting and field tour May 20 and 21, in Cedarville. The meeting and tour are open to the public.
"Current job openings - BLM California" (USAJOBS website)
http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/a9blm-ca.asp |
...is the Rancho Mirage representative on the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Advisory Committee. Before retirement, Mr. Brockman participated in the preparation of the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, and brings an understanding of many issues.
"Secretary Salazar announces increased Central Valley Project 2010 water allocation" (Department of the Interior news release, 5/4/10)
"Secretaries Salazar and Locke announce aggressive plan to better integrate science in the California Bay-Delta" (Department of the Interior news release, 5/3/10)
http://www.ca.blm.gov/tjz |
WILDLIFE TRIVIA answer and related websites
(c.) It is at least five years old.
SOURCE: "Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus" (BLM California wildlife database)
The characteristic adult plumage consists of a white head and tail with a dark brown body. Juvenile eagles are completely dark brown and do not fully develop the majestic white head and tail until the fifth or sixth year.
"One room, river view Nice digs for eagle triplets" (Redding Record Searchlight, 5/3/10)
"It's a crowded but happy nest for the Turtle Bay bald eagles in downtown Redding. For the second year in a row Patriot and Liberty, a pair of locally famous bald eagles, are raising three eaglets."
RELATED: "Caltrans eagle cam at Turtle Bay" (Turtle Bay Exploration Park)
The eaglets were born in March. They were named in a contest: Peace, Shasta and Justice. (Requires Quicktime plug-in to your browser.)
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Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600
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