A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California
Issue 427 - 4/14/10
- Carrizo Plain celebration
- Free poster: Carrizo Plain National Monument
- Photos from the BLM's National Landscape Conservation System:
- Featured at wilderness conference
- Desktop wallpapers
- Wild horses and burros: Adoption events coming up
- Not for educators only: Wildlife trivia question of the week
- Renewable energy
- Headlines and highlights
- Employee Profile
- Selected upcoming events
- More BLM-related wildlife stories: Migratory birds, sage grouse
Also see this issue of News.bytes online at:
 "Carrizo visitors celebrate new plan, NLCS" (News.bytes Extra)
With a backdrop of spring wildflowers, BLM managers signed the Record of Decision for the Carrizo Plain National Monument Resource Management Plan Saturday. The event also was part of a series of events celebrating the tenth anniversary of the National Landscape Conservation System and was held in conjunction with a meeting of the Central California Resource Advisory Council.
"BLM Approves Carrizo Resource Management Plan" (BLM news release, 4/12/10)
The Bureau of Land Management has released the Carrizo Plain National Monument Approved Resource Management Plan. California Acting State Director Jim Abbott on Saturday signed the Record of Decision, which constitutes the final decision of the BLM and makes the RMP effective immediately. The RMP provides direction and guidance for 206,000 acres of public lands administered by the agency’s Bakersfield Field Office in San Luis Obispo and Kern counties.
This poster features wildflowers at the Carrizo Plain National Monument, with Soda Lake in the distance. While supplies last: Click the link and fill in the online form to request one. NOTE: because of our large subscriber list, our free offers in the past have sometimes been completely claimed, before all of our subscribers even received their copy of News.bytes. To try to make the process more fair, we are experimenting with a new method. We will open this offer at 9 a.m. tomorrow, April 15, Pacific Time. Until then, the link below will read "There is no offer available for this issue of News.bytes."
 "BLM landscape photos featured at Western Wilderness Conference"(News.bytes Extra)
The Bureau of Land Management sponsored a Friday-night reception during the Western Wilderness Conference held at UC Berkeley from April 8 - 11, 2010. The reception featured a photo exhibition presenting 15, two foot-by three-foot landscape photographs of BLM wilderness areas, taken by the BLM's Bob Wick.
We have limited quantities of the free Carrizo Plain poster above -- but you can see these photos from the BLM's National Landscape Conservation System every day -- on your computer monitor. Just follow this link, then click on the photo you want. You can then right-click on the photo, and choose "Set as Background" (or similar wording, depending on your browser). On a Mac with Safari browser, control-click on the photo and select "Use Image as Desktop Picture." (Note: Due to quirks in our web management software, if you download the photos you may need to change the ".gif" at the end of the file name to ".jpg.")
 "Wild horses and burros roll into Redding - San Jose next"
The BLM's Wild Horse and Burro adoption rolled into Redding on Saturday, April 10. At day's end, 11 animals -- four burros and seven mustangs -- found new homes. This weekend: The adoption program heads into San Jose this weekend,where 40 wild horses and 10 burros will be available at the Santa Clara County Horsemen's Association grounds.
"Wild Horses and Burros Available for Adoption ... Redlands" (BLM news release, 3/2/10)
On April 24, horses and burros will be available for adoption at Sundance Ranch in Redlands. Animals not selected during the lottery adoption will be available for adoption on a first come, first served basis for the remainder of Saturday.
"Horses, burros available for adoption in Livermore" (BLM news release, 4/13/10)
On Saturday and Sunday, May 1 and 2, in conjunction with the California State Horseman’s Spring Stampede, the BLM will offer 30 horses, mostly yearlings, and 10 burros for public adoption. Anyone interested can preview the animals when they arrive at about 3 p.m. on Friday, April 30.
"Wild horses and burros" (BLM-California website)
"National wild horse and burro program" (BLM national website)

western skink
Which of these tricks does a western skink use to escape predators?
(a.) It excretes a pungent musk.
(b.) It drops its tail.
(c.) It burrows quickly into the nearest soft soil.
(d.) It dives among low-growing cacti, where its tough skin protects it.
(e.) It "lights up" its neon blue tail by pumping more blood to it, and swings it back and forth rhythmically to hypnotize attackers.
(f.) It refuses to fill out its census form.
------> See the answer -- and more wildlife items -- near the end of this issue of News.bytes.
"County could establish position on green energy projects" (Barstow Desert Dispatch, 4/12/10)
"After opposing one renewable energy project, the Board of Supervisors may establish a formal position on the more than 60 others in the Mojave Desert. The Board’s vote Tuesday would establish a criteria for staff to focus on when commenting or negotiating with project developers and government agencies. The vote would also authorize the Board to legally challenge environmental documents for projects that fall under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management or the California Energy Commission."
"Workers urge county supervisors for solar complex" (San Bernardino County Sun, 4/13/10)
"Dozens of ironworkers and pipefitters urged the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors ... to expedite the construction of a colossal solar complex near the Nevada border, which could provide more than 1,000 jobs to skilled laborers ... the world's largest solar complex, the Ivanpah Solar Electricity Generating System, in the Ivanpah dry lake bed, about five miles southwest of Primm, Nev. ... Both the county and BrightSource are hoping the state and federal agencies - the California Energy Commission and Bureau of Land Management - will see eye-to-eye with them."
Also see "Selected Upcoming Events" below and our online calendar for upcoming meetings or workshops regarding renewable energy on lands managed by the BLM in California. |
"2 Dems join Cemex bill" (Santa Clarita Signal, 4/12/10)
"The fight between Santa Clarita and Cemex began in 1990 after the Bureau of Land Management awarded the cement company two 10-year contracts to open a mine that would extract 56 million tons of sand and gravel from Soledad Canyon." A new bill "would force the Secretary of the Interior to cancel the Cemex contracts and prohibit any future mining on the site. The Bureau of Land Management would compensate Cemex for its canceled contracts with money from land sales near Victorville."
"Public invited to comment on draft plan for Imperial Sand Dunes" (BLM news release, 3/26/10)
Upcoming meetings are tonight (April 14) in El Centro and April 15 in Phoenix. See the news release for details on making comments. (repeated from last week's News.bytes)
 "Barstow more than just pit stop to Vegas" (Pasadena Star-News, 4/14/10)
"If you stop in Barstow for gas and then head out of town right away, you have missed one of the largest and most historic of the California Route 66 towns ... There are many 'must see' spots for Route 66 buffs to visit in Barstow." One site mentioned is the Desert Discovery Center (BLM is a partner), which "has on display the Old Woman Meteorite, the second largest meteorite in the U.S."
Current job openings - BLM California (USAJOBS website)
Current openings include program and administrative support assistant, natural resource specialist, realty specialist, a variety of wild firefighter positions, and more.
http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/a9blm-ca.asp |
SELECTED UPCOMING EVENTS Unless otherwise noted, find more details -- and more events -- online at:
April 22-23 - Workshop/meeting for Ridgecrest Solar Power Project
April 24 - Guided wildflower field trip
Cameron Park - pre-registration required
April 27 - Public Land Foundation Stewardship Award Presentation
Palm Springs
WILDLIFE TRIVIA answer and related websites
(b.) It drops its tail.
SOURCE: "Western skink - Plestiodon skiltonianus" (BLM California wildlife database)
When threatened by a predator, skinks usually try to draw attention to their tail. If the predator attacks the tail, the tail will come off and the lizards escape unharmed. The tail will grow back with time.
More BLM-related wildlife stories:
"BLM signs Memorandum of Understanding on migratory bird conservation" (BLM national news release, 4/12/10)
U.S. Fish Wildlife Service Acting Director Rowan Gould signed two Memoranda of Understanding today, one with National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis, and another with the Bureau Land Management Deputy Director Mike Pool, designed to strengthen coordination for migratory bird conservation.
"Federal agencies sign agreement to protect sage-grouse habitat" (Department of the Interior news release, 4/13/10)
"Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar ... announced a far-reaching agreement to support the conservation of greater sage-grouse and sagebrush ecosystems in parts of 11 Western states ... The agreement ensures beneficial and consistent actions for conservation of greater sage-grouse habitat and provides a collaborative framework for states and private landowners."
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News.bytes published by
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600
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