Hi chime,
If I follow your suggestion,
I could say save the article itself in lynx, open that file in lynx
itself, and if using your type of setup work through the saved file to
the referenced YouTube links and incorporate them into either tool?
I am unsure I follow the YouTube viewer reference, I have the links
need to ask on the freedos list about mpv for DOS, which did exist, cannot
recall why I did not choose to run it at the time.
still, I would be downloading the audio in this case, mpxplay does a
terrific job of playing what i use when this kind of thing is needful.
Thanks for starting the discussion.
On Mon, 24 Feb 2025, Chime Hart wrote:
Hi Karen: You could save those links in a file-and-download them with yt-dlp
or even just play them with mpv. In my case as I have both mpv and yt-dlp as
L Y N X externals, both actions are just a keystroke away. In addition you
would want youtube-viewer so you can examin specific youtube pages or type in
a concept to look around. I think I had asked Luke to install that but
haven't heard.