Jeffery, Thanks. Looks like I'll be sticking with yt-dlp for my streaming audio for a while. -- Rudy Vener Beast Hunt Vol 1, containing my short story Dragon Wing, is loose in the wild: Latest Limerick - California Pipe Dreaming Of Secession Website: > From: Jeffery Mewtamer <mewtamer@xxxxxxxxx> > Subject: Re: very strange behavior in firefox > > Yeah, if you watch YouTube videos as Google intends you to(e.g. in a > modern, mainstream graphical browser, the video gets interrupted by a > video ad every few minutes, often cutting the video off mid-sentence. > There is a skip ad button, which is usually the button immediately > before the play button, and their are browser extensions that will auto > click the skip add button for you, but the skip button doesn't always > show up immediately. > > Downloading with yt-dlp or other YouTube downloaders bypasses the ads, > which is why Google and the developers of the downloaders are in a > constant arms race of Google trying to prevent people from downloading > and not sitting through ads and the downloaders working around Google's > efforts to break them. > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to blinux-list+unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxx.