I have no Linux setup as I have no way to use one speech wise.
I do hope those instructions help others however.
with appreciation,
On Fri, 31 Jan 2025, Rudy Vener wrote:
Hi Karen,
Put the following three lines into a script file, e.g. ytlisten
url=$(cat url.txt)
yt-dlp -q --no-part --extract-audio --audio-format wav -omyaudio $url
mplayer myaudio*wav
Make sure to chmod 755 ytlisten, copy your youtube url into url.txt and run ytlisten.
This creates a wav file and plays it with mplayer
Wav files are big, so if you want to keep the audio around for later, I suggest you convert the wav file to mp3 with lame.
lame -m s myaudio*wav -o myaudio.mp3
rm myaudio*wav
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 03:54:27AM -0500, Karen Lewellen wrote:
Hi Rudy,
Does that include specific YouTube links?
For example, I *very* often get a YouTube link sent via a discussion.
Even better, say I am reading an article at rolling stone, something I can
do quite well with lynx. there is a YouTube link in the article, and so
Can you, as you indicate, scrape and play those?
Rudy Vener
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