Well Rudy-and-All, here's another strategy. Why not insert an external menu in
L Y N X. Here are my entries
EXTERNAL_MENU:http:mpv:/usr/bin/mpv --no-video --really-quiet %s:TRUE
EXTERNAL_MENU:http:yt-dlp:/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s' %s:TRUE "--prefer-mp4"
EXTERNAL_MENU:http:youtube-viewer/custom:yv-custom %s:TRUE "--prefer-mp4"
EXTERNAL_MENU:http:urlview:lynx -cfg /home/chime/lynx.cfg -source -base %s |urlview -:TRUE
EXTERNAL_MENU:http:reader:rdrview --disable-sandbox -T title -B "lynx -cfg /home/chime/lynx.cfg -assume_charset=utf-8" '%s':TRUE
EXTERNAL_MENU:http:safari-spoof:lynx -cfg /home/chime/lynx.cfg -useragent="Safari" %s:TRUE
Back again live, you will obviously need youtube-viewer, yt-dlp, rdrview, and
urlview which certainly make a browsing experience a bit easier when it comes
to grabbing or playing media, as well as just enjoying plain-text of articles.
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