Try searching for this phrase
news nation now?
In l y n x when I did the search I reached the page just fine.
an error 308 is a permanent redirect error, not tied to the browser. It
means the desired page has moved.
On Fri, 8 Dec 2023, Chime Hart wrote:
Well, Karen, Jude, and All, since then I experimented with a site, which L Y
N X gave me a blank page after a 308 error, e L I N K S had "save display
cancel" but the winner was L I N K S where
displays correctly. Also, some of us were wanting a tab option in L I N K S.
Well, I don't know what to do but in its man-page, makes a reference about
TAB having to with frames. Anyway, I purged E L I N K S as it seems useless.
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