I have answered your questions in line.
On 27/04/2023 12:58, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
today I installed Arch Linux for the first time. Now I have fully
setup the console and now, it is time for graphical interface. I will
use Mate desktop. I know how to install it, but I have a question
related to display manager. Can you recommend me some display manager
for Mate desktop, which is packaged for Arch and configured for a11Y
(start Orca in the manager)
Gdm is possibly the easiest to get going, but it does mean you install a
bunch of gnome applications which you might not want. Lightdm can be
good too if configured properly, but that takes a bit more work.
You could always forgo the display manager entirely and use startx at
the console prompt to start your x session.
And my second question is related to console screen readers. Espeakup
and Fenrir are included. Which of these is better for using console
apps, such as email clients, web browsers etc? Is espeakup developed
or deprecated?
Espeakup is still very much developed I think, though I personally
prefer Fenrir.
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