Jenux failed on me, again. I think I'll give it a skip for now, that is
unless the dev actually fixes the thing.
I am on Fedora, for now, because it was the nearest Usb stick I could
grab quickly.
I might just give the vanilla Arch ISO another go. Why not?
On 2021/12/14 13:05, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
or Manjaro Architect.
Personally. I've had success with the vanilla Arch ISO and the guided
installer (the archinstall one), I just set it to boot up talking,
went through it and added in alsa-utils/espeakup and then put
speech-dispatcher/Orca/voices and a window manager on once the system
was installed.
Jenux has never really worked for me on a VM or bare metal at all,
whereas the official arch ISO is working rather well, and I dunno if
the Architect edition is 36/64 bit or 32bit only or 64bit only.
Admittedly, I've got a 64bit UEFI system so the official ISo works
flawlessly on it however, but YMMV on that oneYes, but you probably
don't want to hear it if you are set on using Jenux however.
On 12/14/21 09:18, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Hi all,
I decided to give Jenux another go, last time, no matter what I
tried, I couldn't get orca to come on after logging in to the system.
Does anyone have any advice?
Also, if this doesn't work out, is there a guide for doing a Manjaro
architect install? "Manjaro Talking" got updated a little while ago,
and if, as I said, Jenux doesn't work out, I'd like to give that one
a go.
Thanks so long.
Warm regards,
Brandt Steenkamp
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Brandt Steenkamp
Sent from Fedora Linux using Thunderbird
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