Well, since I am in TCSH, now those aliases are in /etc/cshrc
Some of the following were based on commands in DOS which I liked. Here we go
with 14 of these, will be back on the other side.
alias del "/bin/rm -f"
alias df "df -h "
alias ls "ls -1"
alias kwota "du -hs"
alias time "date +'%A %B %d %r %Z %Y'"
alias nano "nano -tzxk"
alias type "more"
alias zip "zip -v"
alias rd "sudo /sbin/modprobe -r speakup_dectlk; sudo /usr/sbin/modprobe speakup_dectlk; sudo cp /usr/local/bin/characters /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/"
alias fm "lynx -cfg /home/chime/lynx.cfg"
alias fmu lynx -cfg ~/lynx.cfg -useragent="Safari"
alias frm "frm | grep -v DELETE | sort"
alias sd-card "/usr/local/bin/automount_sd_only.sh"
alias all-terms "python3 /usr/local/bin/all-terms"
Back again live: That last one has to do with as an example, ajusting the beep
frequency on all my 24 consoles.
And lastly, we have a rather complicated script to run a usenet trn
# run trn
/usr/bin/trn -J10 -G -x0sml "-X1XD" -Ots -e -M +m -t -h +hfrom +Hnewsgr "$@"
# move any clarinet.* groups to .newsrc.clari
# re-sort the .newsrc file
Back again live, most of these were my ideas but I didn't write them. Thanks
for listening.
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