Alright, so...
You got a lot of choices as far as distros go. They can be broken down
into several categories or tiers.
1. Hugely popular:
This is your Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch level stuff, the most popular, most
well supporteed, e.g. Ubuntu and its spins, Mint, Fedora, et al.
2. The less well supported but still popular ones:
You got your Solus, your Arch/Ubuntu spins in here, your Debians and so
on go here because they aren't /as/ beginner friendly as an Ubuntu or
Mint or as hugely popular even if there's nothing technically wrong with
them (looking at you, Solus...)
3. The niche ones:
Like it says. This is your niche, EduBuntu and so forth, your Spatri's
distro type stuff.
Now...what would I suggest for someone just starting out?
Stick with teir 1. Ubuntu, Fedora or Mint are my suggestions since all
have a massive userbase with a lot of support and folks who can help out.
Slint/Slackware is not, IMO, beginner friendly if you're coming over
from Windows or Mac. Same for Debian which is a giant leap from Windows.
Ubuntu/Mint/Fedora/Solus are all click next, next, next, let it install,
which is a lot more Windows-like than having to go through a text only
installer when you're used to a whole other way of doing things.
So of all the beginner friendly distros? I'd suggest Mint Mate, mostly
because it's one I've tested in a VM and it works fairly well, Solus is
another I'd suggest but it lacks programs (or packages in Linux speak)
you may need. Mint has a lot of programs out of the box and has done
things to make the system work better.
If you got the HDD or SSD space, I'd say try out a bunch of distros and
use the one you like. My problem with blind-specific distors is I've
always run into the 'we turned off updating so not to break things and
we need this exact version' attitudes even when there's kernel and
program updates that don't, in fact, break stuff. Looking at you,
Coconut and Vinux for that one...
On 11/17/21 01:46, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Good afternoon or good evening or whatever time it is wherever you
are reading this. My subject line pretty much says everything there is
to this message. I am looking for inappropriate Lennix distribution to
run in a virtual environment. From everything I think I know, I'm
thinking the best solution is something that can be installed easily,
and allow me to install orca really quickly if not do it in the same
install. Any good suggestions? I do have access to a Fedora core ISO
image but I'm just wondering if there's something better or will this
be sufficient? Looking forward to readig response wake up to my question.
Please be aware that I am dictating this to the computer and Windows.
I am using dictation software because of an additional disability. If
there's something that I've written about that you truly do not
understand, please write me and asked me what I may have meant. I
thank you kindly in advance for reading this.
On 11/16/2021 3:06 PM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Thank you Didier-and-Kyle. I will certainly run your command, but do
I need to un mount anything? I would also figure I would be sitting
outside of that mdeia directory? O-and-yes, Didier, it is vfat.
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