Well, there is Micro, which is suppose to be nano, but with desktop-like key bindings... though I confess, despite easily shifting between editing text files in nano and editing multi-line text boxes in Firefox, Micro just felt wrong and I uninstalled it within minutes of first trying it... It would be nice if nano had hold shift and use arrows/navigation buttons to select text, but I'm otherwise used to it's peculiarities... and if anything, I wish more applications had the ability to cut the entire current line from anywhere in the line and repeated cuts adding to the buffer... and when typing in very wide text boxes in Firefox, I sometimes instinctively try trl+J to wrap the current paragraph to 80 character lines as I find overly long lines slow down review and editing of what I have typed, especially when listening to long lines I fixed something at the end of or fixing mistakes in the middle of the line. I'm also annoyed that Firefox doesn't automatically have a blank line at the bottom of multi-line text boxes when nano offers such functionality... but again, I've been using nano as my primary editor for about 9 or 10 years now, and if I'm honest, even I found some of it's commands odd at first. As for e-mail and VOIP... to be completely honest, every e-mail client sounds needlessly complicated compared to just logging into my e-mail's web interface in a web browser, and every VOIP client sounds needlessly complicated compared to just making a phone call. Granted, I was using e-mail for years before I got my first PC that was mine and mine alone, even the GUI e-mail clients of the late 90s and early 00s probably hadn't streamlined things as much as their modern counterparts, and when using a computer where the only user account is shared by the whole family or potentially the rest of your school's student body, clearing cookies is probably simpler than wiping an applications config directory, especially in Win9x or WinXP where I don't think it was nearly as simple as rm -Rf ~/.thunderbird. Plus e-mail clients are sort of a "why install another app that only does one thing I can already do with this app that does many things?" in my mind... Also, I'm not sure I've ever actually used VOIP, so their might be some non-intuitive advantage over a normal phone call I'm unaware of. But to each their own, and whether you're a die hard fan of the console, a Desktop user who finds a terminal window scary, or use a mix of the two, I don't think any of us have to worry about our preferred way of doing things going anywhere anytime soon. The GUI and the Cli have co-existed in Linux land for more than 20 years and there's no rational reason to think that will change in the foreseeable future. _______________________________________________ Blinux-list mailing list Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list