For Slint:
Le 31/10/2021 à 21:41, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
Certain distributions have accessibility pages, certainly slint has an
accessibility page. Accessibility pages vary in quality from distribution
to distribution. Slint; debian, ubuntu, Fedora are high quality.
Archlinux is near high quality. Gentoo near medium quality and I'm being
generous here. Manjaro and others are really dodgey, some of them cannot
be installed. KDE plasma default distributions cannot be installed since
those distributions usually don't have orca on the installation isos.
The has scattered throughout its main menu files instances of
successful Linux installations with use of screen readers and narration.
Of course if your disability doesn't need or use a screen reader these
will be of no help.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2021, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
...and you need to have access to YouTube at all.
what also interest me here is that these rules only apply to some
So, you are newly managing a disability condition, and have heard about Linux.
where are you going to objectively get this kind of data?
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