I just realized that I gave you the wrong keyboard command to start the
Orca screen reader. The correct keyboard command is Alt+Super+s.
Remember that Super is the same as the Windows logo key. If you are in
the Linux desktop, you can also press the Alt+F2 combo and type Orca and
press Enter. The Alt+F2 combo brings up a Run command box, where you can
type commands. Also in the Mint Mate desktop, pressing Alt+F1 brings up
a menu, which you can navigate with the arrow keys. Pressing the Super
key by itself also brings up a menu much the same as the Windows start
menu. Here, there is a search box where you can search for commands. For
example, if you type "power", it will bring up entries related to power
management. You can use the arrow keys to highlight the one you are
interested in and press Enter to open that program.
Sorry about that. Too many keyboard commands floating around in this old
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