So, grabbed Solus 4.3 and ran into a few weird oddities with Mate.
Nothing insanely deal breaking, bar one or two things...
1. For some reaso, the Mate DE doesn't have the orca shortcut set. This
isn't really an issue since alt+f2 and Orca takes care of it.
2. Chromium doesn't seem to respect flags set. And it breaks the
installed system to the point where it's locked up when quitting a
Chromium app
3. After upgrading, Firefox lost the browse/focus mde messages
So is it just me using Solus 4.3 here and anyone got any ideas, and no
'use another distro' is not a valid answer. I've already suffered one
borked system due to Ubuntu being inane today and the terminal suddenly
not being a thing mid version upgrade, so...
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