Hi everyone,
I am use to the Mate desktop environment, for that is what I use on a
daily basis. Now, however, I would like to give Gnome a go, however I
have no idea how to flag some of the apps I use, for example, Skype,
spotify, Google-Chrome, etc. As you probably noticed, all electron apps.
In Mate I would go to the menu > System > Preferences > "Look and Feel"
> "Main Menu" and edit the app properties command field. In this
example, Google-Chrome.
"/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U" by adding
--force-renderer-accessibility. Now the line reads:
"/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U --force-renderer-accessibility"
How would I go about flagging apps like so in the Gnome environment?
Thanks so long.
Warm regards/Groetnis/Herzliche Grüße,
Brandt Steenkamp
Sent using Thunderbird from Ubuntu Mate 20.04
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