Oh ok i'll try it out. i know the rs games web site had a set up file
for linux, but it says you have to do something with pypi or something
like that. I know this is old but wasn't sure if it would still work.
Tested with latest version of Ubuntu and Vinux (Linux version updated
November 2014). The following software/packages need to be installed:
list of 8 items
• WXPython
• On Ubuntu, the packages are python-wxgtk2.8, python-wxtools, wx2.8-i18n
(Installing python-wxWidgets will work on openSUSE).
• pycrypto. This can be installed easy_install or pip, or
through the tarball found on this link.
Your package manager may have it as well, probably named: python-pycrypto.
• faulthandler. Can be installed via package manager: python-faulthandler
• configobj. Can be installed via easy_install or pip.
• requests. Can be installed via easy_install or pip.
• python-espeakCan be installed via package manager: python-espeak or
via launchpad.
• NOTE:. It is a a known issue that on Vinux, the client may need to be
killed with Control+C inside the Terminal, and not by Alt+F4.
list end
As of September 2013, we will provide a Python 2.7 build only. If you
really need a Python 2.6 build, please contact us.
On 12/13/2018 5:06 PM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 1:34 PM Linux for blind general discussion
<blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi my name is Jeffry and I was wondering how to install r.s. games on
mate desktop if it is possible? Thanks for any help given.
Haven't used it but it sounds like it's a web app. You can register to
use it here: <http://zanosoft.net/ZGP-WEB/>.
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