If you want to buy Abbyy Finereader for Linux you can contact Hypra.fr
team, we're selling Finereader and a tool to help blind users of Linux
to read their documents easily.
You can contact us at contact@xxxxxxxx (in English or French).
Best regards,
Le 23/10/2018 à 02:58, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
Well, I want to resume scanning here, I grabbed the most
obvious-and-mentioned tools.
sudo apt-get install sane sane-utils imagemagick unpaper tesseract-ocr
tesseract-ocr-eng ocrad
I also installed yagf
So, similar to what I was able to do in OpenBook years ago, I want to
scan sideays pages. So with page4 on the left-and-page5 on the right.
Will any of these solutions support that option?
Also, I tried purchasing a commercial OCR program from Abbyy but their
Linux version is still available for download from ocr4linux.com they
are not providing any more trial demos or supporting other than an sdk.
So, if I can only scan sideways in a commercial, are their other
options? I also installed LIOS here in Debian. Thanks so much in advance
for any guidance
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