that are 2 different thigns.
pip does is just an installer for python applications like aptitude (
but distribution independent).
python 3 is the interpreter it self
both of them belongs together. you can install python 3 applications
with pip3 and python2 stuff with pip2
fenrir needs to be installed with pip3
sudo pip3 install fenrir-screenreader
but it needs to be run with python3. this is done automatically. you
just need to start
fenrir -e
and python 3 is used (as it is installed)
pip is just used for install packages.
cheers chrys
Am 10.06.2018 um 01:31 schrieb Linux for blind general discussion:
Looks like I have pip3, so how would I force Fenrar to use it? Thanks
in advance
Its in /usr/local/bin/pip3
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