All of those chmod 755 filename commands can be rewritten as chmod +x
An additional section in the accessibility document on testing your iso
probably will be helpful since this isn't yet a torrent iso integrity
problems can happen using either wget or curl. When I used wget to get
the iso, I used:
wget -bc filename.iso
a wget-log file got created against which I ran two commands.
first was wc -l wget-log and the number that returned as it increased
told me the file size was increasing.
When the wc -l wget-log command stopped returning increasing numbers, I
then used:
tail -3 wget-log|grep -i "saved"
and got the saved file name and its size returned.
The startup procedure for startx I automated earlier.
Cut here.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# file: - xorg run script.
sudo -H systemctl stop espeakup
startx 2>&1 >startx.log
sudo -H systemctl start espeakup
For me this provides a much cleaner start for x and also creates a log
file of any error that might appear on the way up into x.
On Wed, 11
Oct 2017, Linux for blind general
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 14:00:04
From: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Aiyumi <>
Subject: Re: slint-testing site inaccessible
Le 11/10/2017 ? 16:28, Linux for blind general discussion a ?crit?:
You're correct that was a typo on my part.
Let's see if the directions for this can be made simpler. If a person
can use an editor edit /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc and locate the
SOURCE= line with slint in it. On that line, change 14.2 to testing
then save the file and exit.
That is what I did after a re-install and had only firefox as an
update and I went into lxde and ran firefox after the upgrade and the
accessibility problems I had with firefox yesterday disappeared.
So for now, I think we're all golden.
I have just edited the directions in:
Please let me know if any changes are still needed, as well as in
More general feedback if of course still welcome.
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