the first issue i see in your output is that the provided sox version
does not support opus.
play FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `opus'
so you have 2 possible solutions here:
1. use the gstreamer sound driver
1.1 open config/settings.conf
1.2 search for section [sound]
1.3 search for:driver=genericDriver
1.4 change it to driver=gstreamerDriver
this requires gstreamer installed
2. use the default-wav soundicon theme
2.1 open config/settings.conf
2.2 search for section [sound]
2.3 search for:theme=default
2.4 change it to theme=default-wav
3. install a more current "sox" version.
i dont see any other problems on that quick output. so byside this i
assume it works but pulseaudio is not configured correct (see below):
To create an complete debug output do the following:
sudo rm /var/log/fenrir.log
cd /path/to/git/src/fenrir
sudo ./fenrir -d
ctrl + c
send me the file /var/log/fenrir.log per mail to chrys at linux-a11y dot de
if you don't hear sound or speech: you are using pulseaudio:
then you have 2 possible solutions
1. run pulse in system wide mode (not recommentet)
2. stream "root" sound to user (recommentet):
2.1 run "tools/"
2.2 run "sudo tools/"
in any case if you running speech-dispatcher with pulse:
you need to run "sudo spd-conf" and select pulse as output module.
then it works
if you are using also no configuration should needed since alsa does not
sepearte different users like pulse does.
Am 08.08.2017 um 01:30 schrieb Linux for blind general discussion:
I've attached the errors I get when I try to run Fenrir without installing it.
All dependencies are installed and I hear no sound or speech. Does
this file suggest why?
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