No, I haven't got a torrent url to download 25 and haven't been able to
find one either. I'm using an x86-64 machine too. I downloaded an iso
and got error 64 back when I ran cfv on it. No point downloading a bad
image since that just complicates things after download.
On Wed, 28 Jun 2017, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 05:13:15
From: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: fedora 24 install failure
Le 27/06/2017 ? 18:23, Linux for blind general discussion a ?crit :
Even using flat review after having given user account credentials I
couldn't find a quit button. The thing was, I did have the system
recognize I had created a ser account and that account was at
administrator level. Apparently a root account must be created, I'll
take another throw at it again and try that next.
As I know the current Fedora release is Fedora 25. Do you have the same
issue with Fedora 25 ?
I've installed it last week with a sudo user without encounter the issue
you're talking about.
Best regards.
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