Hi Janina,
On ubuntu it is in a package called mime-support.
The description is as follows:
Description: MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and support programs
As these files can be used by all MIME compliant programs, they have been
moved into their own package that others can depend
Other packages add themselves as viewers/editors/composers/etc by using
the provided "update-mime" program.
In addition, the commands "see", "edit", "compose", and "print" will
display, alter, create, and print (respectively) any file
using a program determined from the entries in the mime.types and mailcap
HTH, Willem
On Mon, 29 May 2017, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
The see command is a new one to me, and it's not on my system. What
package provides that? It sounds very useful.
Linux for blind general discussion writes:
It has a -really-quiet option which stop most output.
Also just shut up your screen reader while playing music will work.
If it is speakup, press the right bottom key on your keyboard, the enter key
on the numpad for shut up.
You can also set some config parameter in the mplayer config file in /etc to
keep it quiet.
for printing, just run
print any_file_name
If you have a properly defined mailcap file, things will just work.
You can usually also just run
lp any_file_name
once your printer is configured properly.
Web browsing is the one area where one has problems from the console.
The lynx browser, that is l y n x, works well for many things, but does not
support modern web pages.
That said, I use it unless I really cannot do otherwise.
The three commands, see, edit and print uses your mailcap file and is quite
e.g. if I do
see some_file.doc
it will read a microsoft word document to me.
If I do
see song.wav
It will start playing the music.
FWIW, Willem
On Thu, 25 May 2017, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Well, Mark peveto here,
I tried mplayer, and yeah, it works, but good heavens how do I get it not to read that screen full of fluff while it plays?
Mark Peveto
Registered Linux user number 600552
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Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.443.300.2200
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Linux Foundation Fellow
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