Hi folks,
Realizing it may be solved by now, I did promise to ask another user.
His thoughts are below, if the person is still having issues let me know now
as he has offered to help them troubleshoot given he has used his own
unit with Linux for some time.
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Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 21:23:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: artic transport question?
Ahh, yes, depending on which artic synthesizer he has, he may need to run a
program, or set it to synthesizer mode. If it's a spirit, nothing needs to be
done, it should just work. If it's a transtype, there is an option in the
menus to set it to speech mode, though that's the one where you can also run
the terminal program, and it will talk that way too, though not as readily or
as well as the synthewsizer mode will allow. If it's a transport, just setting
the linux side of things to 9600 8, n, 1 should take care of the problem, as
that is the default settings on the transport.
I think that covers all the possible options. If there are further issues,
feel free to pass my email address on to the individual having trouble.
Again, hope this helps.
> If I remember correctly, (and assuming this person hasn't already solved
> their issue), the keyword for the transport is txprt.
> Passing that on the commandline along with the port (or it can scan for
> the port automatically) should do the trick.
> Hope this helps.
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