Just how sandboxed is each application on a system like this? I'm
concerned about the increase in disk and RAM requirements for such an
OS, since the concept of shared dependencies is essentially being
circumvented using this packaging system. That said, the more important
issue by far is accessibility. There is a high probability that
attempting to package accessibility in such an environment would
effectively sandbox the a11y stack so that it would not be able to
communicate with the other equally isolated applications on the system,
thereby causing worse problems than we would be trying to solve. The
concept of version conflicts would no longer be a problem, but the
ability to run multiple versions means nothing if applications can't
efficiently communicate with multiple at-spi instances, and if Orca
would get confused by so many at-spi instances trying to talk to it at
once. Would each application also need its own Orca? In this case, we're
talking about gigabytes of redundant dependencies, which is a huge
problem on low-storage and low-RAM systems, as well as all these Orca
instances needing to communicate with speech-dispatcher, which would
cause other problems.
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