Oh, wow. Yeah, we found a Dectalk, it was pretty small, way smaller than the Doubletalk. It had an AC adapter port, and two headphone-jack ports. -- Devin Prater Sent from Discordia using Gnus for Emacs. Email: r.d.t.prater@xxxxxxxxx Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx> writes: > Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx> writes: > >> Hi all. We found a Double Talk in a closet in the Assistive Tech room, >> and a Dectalk too but I doubt I could use that, as it only has what look >> like 3.5 MM connector ports. We also found a Double Talk, with serial >> and IO ports, and headphone connectors. I don’t know much about these >> hardware synthesizers, but I’d love to use them with Emacspeak. so, any ideas? > > Hi. Chris Brannon here. > If you want to use a hardware synthesizer with Emacspeak, you > will be using a speech server written in tcl, not a kernel driver. > Here's what I know. > > You said you found a Dectalk. Is it a Dectalk Express? They have three > jacks: a headphone jack, a power jack, and something that looks a lot > like an RJ-45 ethernet jack. Actually I think it is an RJ-45 jack, but > it isn't ethernet. Instead, that RJ-45 jack is the device's serial > port. You connect it to a PC using a cable that has an RJ-45 male plug > on one end and an RJ-45 female to DB-9 female adapter on the other end. > I'm going by memory; I'm pretty sure it's DB-9 female. Anyway, that's a > special cable and adapter. I don't know where you'd find one nowadays. > I used to have one, but I gave it to somebody on the Speakup list. > > If you do have a Dectalk Express with all the proper cabling, it works > fine with Emacspeak, or at least, it did 10 years ago. > In the servers/ subdirectory of the Emacspeak distribution, you'll find > dtk-exp, which is what you want. > There's also dtk-lite. It claims to interface to a "Dectalk Lite", but > I don't believe I've ever seen one of those. > I used to use dtk-exp back in the day, and it was fine. > Just > export DTK_PROGRAM=dtk-exp > from your shell before starting Emacspeak. You may also need to > export DTK_PORT=/dev/ttySx > where ttySx corresponds to your serial port. E.G., > export DTK_PORT=/dev/ttyS0 > This even worked with USB-to-serial devices. E.G., > export DTK_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0. I think it defaults to /dev/ttyS0 if DTK_PORT > is not set. > > As for the Doubletalk, you will need an additional package to work with > it. Look for something called emacspeak-ss. If it is not packaged for > your distro, then your search engine of choice is your friend. You > could perhaps build it from source. > I've never used a Doubletalk, so I can't say how well it worked. > > Hopefully someone on this list will jump in and correct me if I have > given any incorrect info. > > Good luck! > -- Chris > > _______________________________________________ > Blinux-list mailing list > Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx > https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list _______________________________________________ Blinux-list mailing list Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list