It's a text-based twitter client and I find it more capable than oysttyer
in that it can use lynx to open urls found in tweets.
For anyone wishing to try it out, first do which pip and also which pip2.
If you have both packages then choose which to use for the next step.
Next step is:
pip install --user rainbowstream or
pip2 install --user rainbowstream
Once all of the action finishes, look in a Desktop directory since that's
where pip installs stuff when you run it with the --user option for
After that, it's a matter of authorizing rainbowstream to use your
rainbowstream will not do tweets longer than 140 characters though.
ttytter and oysttyer can do those with the right .oysttyerrc or .ttytterrc
file contents.
no slow post or verify features are available in rainbowstream so far as I
now know either.
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