Here are a few more scripts with a few more stations for the list
attachment is a .zip file:
PKpair of speakers.
PS: I like that "-really-quiet" switch. That's a new one to me. Many
thanks for that!
Rudy Vener writes:
Thanks. Send them on over. In return, here are the URLs for:
whyy in Philadelphia:
mplayer -really-quiet
and WKMU in St. Louis
mplayer -playlist
On Thu, Feb 02, 2017 at 02:50:34AM -0500, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Some of acbradio's feeds are compatible but not acbradio interactive. In the
scripts I run I usually use vlc to play stuff like that. has
an accessible feed as does mystery playhouse internet radio as does and wdvr if you're in Philadelphia Pennsylvania area as does
wcpt chicago progressive talk radio. I could send you copies of my shell
scripts if you'd like since these are in several separate shell scripts
until I can figure out how to put them all into a single shell script and
get that working. Let me know and I'll zip them up for you.
On Wed, 1 Feb 2017, Rudy Vener wrote:
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 16:09:16
From: Rudy Vener <salt@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: looking for source of direct audio feeds
Can anyone suggest a site or sites where I can get direct audio feed URLs for
radio and tv stations which are compatible with mplayer?
These direct URLs are getting harder and harder to find.
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Rudy Vener, Owner and founder
Pizza Galaxy - Low cost Online ordering and Email marketing
for independent, family owned pizzerias and sub shops.
Phone: (203) 230-9662
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echo ALSA Device?
read i
echo 1 for WAMU-FM
echo 2 for Bluegrass Country
#echo 3 for WAMU\'s second channel
#echo 4 for WAMU in Ocean City
echo Station Stream?
read n
mplayer -ao alsa:device=plughw=$i.0 -vc dummy -vo null -playlist$n/live.m3u
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