Hello Amanda,
You'll have to do this blindly. But here goes.
Once you launch Dropbox do the following:
tab once, enter your email
tab once more and enter your password
If the above does not work you should just have to alter the first step.
I can not remember upon opening Dropbox, if you tab to enter your email
or just enter your email and tab to enter your password.
Since my Dropbox is already linked with my Linux installation I am just
going by memory.
Once you've done that press enter and it should attempt to link your
computer to Dropbox. You will wait a few seconds and press enter. Once
you press enter, you will be presented with your Dropbox folder. You can
just close the folder as the process will be running to sync your files.
Feel free to contact me on twitter or the various social media services
if you need help.
twitter = mariachiac
skype = mariachiac
facebook = facebook.com/alonzo.cuellar
I've also got a sip address, but its not up at the moment.
On 11/7/2016 3:29 PM, Amanda Lacy wrote:
Hi, has anyone gotten it to work and if so how? The sign-in interface
is inaccessible and the CLI doesn't seem to offer an option for
signing in. Thanks.
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