Surely there must be somebody building kernels with those modules so
that you can install by adding their yum repository to your system. If
not, it would mean that a blind RH systems admin couldn't do his work at
the console. If remote access is broken he'd be in serious trouble. Most
systems admins don't have a choice as to what flavor of linux they use
in their job. Here at the University of Wisconsin, the IT department
used to run Red Hat. The campus had a site license. The Math Department,
where I work, uses debian and ubuntu. But if I worked in another
department, I'd probably be stuck with RH.
I have been building kernels for debian and ubuntu that have a hack do
serial synths work. I set up a apt repository at so other
people can use them too. I don't know anything about Red Hat but surely
there must be the equivalent of a ppa.
On 08/10/2016 09:10 AM, Janina Sajka wrote:
Well, I've moved from Fedora to Arch on any machine where I need
Speakup. The reason is that rpmfusion has not provided kernel staging
modules since kernel 4.0.4.
So, I had the choice of constantly building my own, or switching
distros. I chose the latter.
I am still running Fedora on my data center server, but I don't use
Speakup on that machine, of course.
Willem van der Walt writes:
Redhat these days is mostly used on servers as one buys support for that,
but it is accessible.
I ran Redhat years ago, but these days, I think, Janina is still running it
or Fedora without problems.
HTH, Willem
On Sat, 6 Aug 2016, Mark Peveto wrote:
Hmm, I noticed this is hosted on Does redhat have an accessible distro?
Everything happens after coffee!
Mark Peveto
Registered Linux user number 600552
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