To be fair to grml, it already has most of those things. You do have to
modprobe speakup_soft and then run espeakup to get speech. But brltty
comes up automatically if you have a braille display. The grml
developers have been very receptive to feedback over the years.
I am a little wary of a distro that does too much. The grml developers
pretty much treat accessibility like anything else -- they include it if
they can. In a way, that's a good approach because if it's too hard,
the enthusiasm for maintaining it is going to fade over time.
On the other hand, grml hasn't had a new major release in 2 years. On
the grml list, one of the developers implied that they were having
trouble with their next release because of the switch to systemd. But I
don't really know what is going on. It could be that the project is
running out of steam. This stuff tends to depend on a single person
driving the project. If that person has to move on for some reason, the
project fizzles.
On 08/02/2016 03:07 AM, Peter Billam wrote:
Greetings. Joel Roth writes:
Devuan, a derivative of debian Jessie, is available as
a minimal live image with beep, brltty, espeak, espeakup, yasr
It seems like years I've been waiting for this !
And from the package-list it looks like there's alsa but no pulse.
I look forward to trying it out.
Good news :-)
Peter Billam pj@xxxxxxxxxx (03) 6278 9410
"Follow the charge, not the particle." -- Richard Feynman
from The Theory of Positrons, Physical Review, 1949
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