will do
On 8/18/2015 9:03 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
was that control-alt-t? If so you got into the terminal. If you can
do that, first try typing man sudo then hit enter and read. After
that reading, you may get some ideas.
On Tue, 18 Aug 2015, Hank Smith, and Seeing-eye dog Iona wrote:
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 12:17:56
From: "Hank Smith, and Seeing-eye dog Iona" <hank.smith966@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: is ubuntu good?
the main problem I am having on the mate distros is that
administrative apps running as root is not working
this happens on a live distro invirement
I tried control t
as well to go to terminal with same results.
I am unable to find a work around for this
I am not trying to miss spread infomation
but from what I can tell there is no fix for this.
one of the examples I tried is
when it is ran orca stops speaking when I alt tab away from the window
and back
it says
the hard drive name
gparted is not accessible.
what the heck are people doing to get around this?On 8/18/2015 2:23
AM, Tony Baechler wrote:
Well, if what you're saying is true, how was I able to do a complete
install by myself without help and why have other people on the Orca
list had the same success? I'm sorry, but you're spreading
misinformation. Please don't do that. If you're having problems,
please ask or do some research, but please don't assume that Ubuntu,
MATE or Orca are automatically at fault. In this case, you didn't
press Super-S when the DVD booted, so Orca didn't start
automatically. You shouldn't be running the partition manager with
Alt-F1 or Alt-F2 regardless. You should get a message spoken when
you press Super-S telling you that the screen reader is running.
This is clearly documented on the Ubuntu accessibility wiki page.
The super key is also known as the Windows key. If Super-S doesn't
work, try Super-Alt-S. Also, no, it doesn't run Terminal at all
during the installation. Orca speaks great in the terminal, even as
root with sudo.
On 8/17/2015 10:42 AM, Hank Smith, and Seeing-eye dog Iona wrote:
Hello you may want to give ubuntu mate a try?
how ever you are unable to run the partition manager when you alt f
1 and go
to the respective program to run it.
think it is running mate terminal wich causes orca to stop speaking
have yet
to find a fix for this wich is causing me to have second thoughts
on ubuntu
mate and mate as a hole have had nothing but problems with it.
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