Re: preventing gnome from starting

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Since you're installing Debian, that is not an issue. It is possible to run gnome on debian without a screen.

On Thu, 6 Aug 2015, Kristoffer Gustafsson wrote:

Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 06:24:07
From: Kristoffer Gustafsson <kg.kristoffer@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: blinux-list <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: preventing gnome from starting

Kristoffer Gustafsson
Sal?ngsgatan 7a
tel:033-12 60 93
mobil: 0730-500934
Ok, finally I have begun to install debian on one of my computers.
But I don't dare to install gnome yet, since it became very bad the
last time with the screen thing.
But sooner or later I will have to use gnome.
So my question is this. How do I prevent gnome from starting if this
thing goes wrong.
I don't want to be unable to use my Linux machine if I don't have a screen.

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