I apologize in advance to people outside of the US.
Obviously, Christopher, you've never had to deal with books from NLS BARD in
bash before. It's a major problem because of the spaces. I did eventually
find a workaround courtesy of cyberciti.biz. If anyone cares, I'll post my
script, but it's very specific to my local setup. No, I don't wish to
rename them because I want to keep the book number and as much other
information as possible. Out of curiosity, how would you handle names like
this? I want to make a new directory on my SD card under $vrdtb, cd to that
directory, unzip the NLS book and repeat. I generally have at least a few
dozen books to process at a time. Again, I now have a working solution.
Until I did some experimenting and poking around on Google, I had to do this
manually. When NLS started adding a lot more books every week from their
analog conversion, this was no longer practical. The filenames appear below:
DB -- Analog Science Fiction and Fact (Astounding!) (December 2012).zip
DB Asimov's Science Fiction June_ 2013.zip
DB New York Times Book Review October 27_ 2013.zip
DB-Unspecified-The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments-
Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations
Diligently Compared a-DB68777.zip
To directly answer your question, bash tries to process each word of the
filename separately, even when you put them in quotes, at least in a for
loop. If you manually process one at a time, it works fine. I don't know
why it doesn't work in a for loop even with quoting the filename, but it
doesn't. You have to tell bash to not treat space as a separator.
On 7/30/2015 5:36 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I guess I'd need to see an example of how these characters trip someone up
in a file name using a BASH script while they are handled differently in the
DOS batch processor. With few exceptions, I find quoting literals to work
both in a script file and on the command line.
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