THank you for your information. I understand what you are saying to do but I am actually using a loptop and further more it is a Mac book pro. I have my hard drive partitioned with Ubuntu on one. I did read about the flat review so I guess I have to figure out what these commands are on a laptop keyboard layout. Thanks for your feedback
Bryan Duarte 1 Corinthians 9:24 Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs,but only one gets the price? So run to win ! Arizona State University Software Engineering student twitter: @blindambitions skype: bambryan
Orca's flat review functionality is what you need when navigating the terminal window's output. Hold down the 0 key on the numeric keypad and press h for help with keys. I will refer to the 0 key on the keypad as Orca in the examples I give here. The functions I find most useful are Orca+keypad-7 to go to the top of the window, Orca+keypad-9 to go to the bottom of the window, keypad-7, 8 and 9 to review by line, keypad 4, 5 and 6 to review by word and keypad-1, 2 and 3 to review by character. I also make frequent use of the keypad-/ key to emulate a click of the left mouse button and the keypad-* key to emulate clicking the right mouse button. Note that many of these functions are somewhat similar to other screen readers you may have used in the past, the feature just has a different name, and some of the key combinations are different. Hope this helps you get started. Good luck, and God bless. ~Kyle -- "Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?" Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"
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