For what it's worth, let me throw in my two cents. I also have a dual boot
setup here and I use Cygwin. I went with Debian on all of my Linux
machines, but I have read lots of good things about Arch. What I like about
my setup here is that I don't have to leave Windows to access my server with
ssh from Cygwin, but I can reboot into Linux on my desktop when it suits me
or if I know I'll be spending several hours working in Linux. In other
words, when I have a complicated Linux task to perform such as setting up a
server, email, web, etc, I prefer Speakup because it works great with almost
all console programs. When I'm just doing something quickly on my Linux
box, I usually use Cygwin ssh so I can do other things in Windows without
having to reboot. I now have a shortcut key set up here so I can get to the
Cygwin bash shell easily. Another reason why I like being able to boot into
Linux on my desktop machine is because USB is much, much faster. What takes
10 minutes in Windows only takes a minute in Linux. I get a lot of books
from NLS Bard as well as podcasts and it's nice to quickly copy them to my
SD cards. I have a script to help with this.
On 3/22/2013 6:43 PM, Dan Rossi wrote:
Just an introduction here. I've actually been a member of this list for
years, but rarely read it. I work on linux every day, five days a week, and
7 days when I am on call, but I access my machines via a Windows box and
ssh. I've never done a linux install and know very little about installing
packages, or any of the screen readers. I'm trying to collect info on which
distro to start with. I expect I will go with arch or debian as I have
decided that I need to use the 30 to 45 minutes a day of free time that I
have, and so I purchased a Raspberry Pi as well as an Arduino starter kit.
I figure that I might as well get my Windows box set up as a dual boot, or
consider a virtual linux box on there for fun as well. I do run cygwin on my
windows boxes just to help with certain tasks.
Nice to see a lot of familiar names still in the arena. I'll start asking
questions once I have reasonably intelligent questions to ask.
-- Blue skies.
Dan Rossi
Senior Oracle Database Administrator
Carnegie Mellon University.
E-Mail: dr25@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel: (412) 268-9081
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Have a good day,
Tony Baechler
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