On 01/20/13 07:35, Hart Larry wrote:
And lastly, you would hit a control+d to finish a job.
I hope I got all of this accurately for you-and-all of us
You're accurate :-)
Though it can be done several ways. Hart's method is more
interactive, as you can type multiple commands for the system to
issue at that time.
You can also pipe the commands to "at", either directly using "echo"
like Anders & I do, or by putting those commands in a file and
piping those commands to at:
at 8am < commands.txt
There are a couple other gotchas, some of which are obvious, some of
which are less so:
1) running X programs sometimes require a little bit of extra
trickery. You might have better luck running "play" or "aplay"
instead of mplayer
2) obviously, this runs on the machine where you enqueue the job.
So if you're remoted into your home machine from work, and you
enqueue the job there, it will run at home (and thus play sound
there, rather than work). I'm sure this is obvious, but I just
figured I'd make sure that it was spelled out.
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