I think you are mistaken here.
Unity 2D is to be selected from the session option at the password
press tab and enter when the system prompts for a password.
Then keep tabbing till you hear Ubuntu 2D.
Now press enter and type your password.
This process will select Unity 2d for you.
Happy hacking.
On 06/03/2012 09:51 PM, Andrea Roveretto wrote:
I just installed ubuntu 12.04
with orca on a dedicated partition on my hard disk, alongside
with windows xp.
To start easy I left the english
language so I don't have to install an italian language sinth
for orca yet.
I suppose the default interface
installed is Unity 2d.
I have some problems:
somekey shortcuts does not seem
to work, for example alt+tab should switch to the open windows
of other programs opened but id does not, and I cannot close
programs with alt+f4.
alt+f10 does work anyway to
activate the menu.
what can I do? working without
switching windows is allmost impossible...
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