Well actually, as another alternative, you can play video in xvfb but it
takes some setting up. Many sites which normally I cannot play an exact url in
mplayer I can play in this xvfb way in which you call firefox from a
commandline, but you cannot interact.
Here are some lines from my .alias in my Debian system
# setenv DISPLAY ':99'
# no longer needed in Debian, slightly different Xvfb setup
# alias ff 'firefox --display=:99 -P nullvideo '
# alias ff 'xvfb-run firefox -no-remote -a nullvideo -P nullvideo '
alias ff "xvfb-run -a -s '-screen 0 640x480x16' firefox -no-remote -a
nullvideo -P nullvideo "
alias rp "xvfb-run -a -s '-screen 0 1024x768x16'
/opt/real/RealPlayer/realplay "
Hope that helps many of you
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