Yes, it is a 64-bit machine, but after pulling from Debian git I still
get the segfault. Not to mention the fact that I get weird math library
errors when I try to use makepkg to build the source, but if I build it
manually it works perfectly, except for the segfault. Did the patch not
get put into the upstream+patches branch? Should I checkout an
additional branch to pull in the 64-bit fix? I still need to figure out
what in the world is causing simple math functions to be undefind unless
I build manually as well. I attached my PKGBUILD file in another email,
but it does the same thing I'm doing by hand:
./configure --prefix=/usr
and then a specialized make install command that puts the binaries in a
distribution subdirectory rather than installing it on the system, but
the build never gets that far.
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