Re: File Mannagement and Selective Playing with mpg123

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On 12/29/2010 09:43 PM, RiverWind wrote:
Ok, so how do you distinguish between soft and hard lynx? I thought
there was only one sort. When using lynx, I simply type "lynx"
followed by an url or directory name.

Sorry for the initial reply referred to "lynx-the-cat" (L Y N X) which is a console web-browser. My follow-up post (sorry, I didn't copy the mailing-list on that reply) referred to links (L I N K S, as in a chain) which confusingly is *also* a console browser, but in the context of my email refers to a file-system element that allows you to have one copy of the data on your hard-drive, and references to it from one or more other places. These are created with the "ln" command.

So my suggestion was to create a playlist folder somewhere and then link ("ln") the files you want into that folder from wherever they are.

My somewhat confusing command is some intermediate-level command-shell utilization which uses a "for" loop at the command-line. Assuming you have a folder named ~/playlist and are currently in the directory containing all your mp3s, you can use this lengthy command to create the links for the files you specify in the file-list (in this example, file[1-3].mp3)

for fname in file1.mp3 file2.mp3 file3.mp3 ; do ln -s "${fname}" ~/playlist ; done

This is the same as just issuing

  ln -s file1.mp3 ~/playlist
  ln -s file2.mp3 ~/playlist
  ln -s file3.mp3 ~/playlist

but without all the redundant typing which becomes annoying for more than a couple files.

But then you do understand correctly that you should be able to just issue

  mpg123 ~/playlist/*.mp3

to play that custom directory of links-to-mp3-files.

Hope that makes more sense (especially clearing up the overabuse of the term "links"/"lynx")


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