Hello Erick, I'll talk to the station manager about this. Thank you for your
-----Original Message-----
From: blinux-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:blinux-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Eric Oyen
Sent: 03 October 2010 18:27
To: Linux for blind general discussion
Subject: Re: University Radio Software
there probably are, but anything involving a touchscreen is going to be
rather difficult for a blind person to use, unless the software is setup
similar to what voiceover does in OS X on touchscreen devices (gives audio
feedback of what is highlighted and then use of gestures to complete the
I don't see anything like that for linux yet. my experience with
touchscreens comes from the local grocery (they went ALL touchscreen about a
year ago and I find myself unable to use them at all.). their system is
windows based, has no audio feedback of a tactile action, etc. not usable at
now, since the software appears to have a command line ability, there may be
a way to issue commands to answer specific calls, place them on hold, etc. I
am not that familiar with your software package to even guess at its
On Oct 3, 2010, at 8:22 AM, Samuel Wilkins wrote:
Hello Erick, I thought there were phone in systems that would work with
Linux command line interface and were computer controlled.
-----Original Message-----
From: blinux-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx
On Behalf Of Eric Oyen
Sent: 03 October 2010 09:58
To: Linux for blind general discussion
Subject: Re: University Radio Software
unless you have a tactile template for that touchscreen (or some verbal
feedback of what is under your finger when you contact the screen) you are
out of luck.
as for speech packages for linux, they are free. there is orca (which is
designed to work under gnome). in fact, there several distributions
for the blind in mind.
command line interfaces are probably the easiest to work in for the blind
should know, I am and I do).
A google search will turn up a large number of hits for the search term
"linux for the blind". I hate to have to point you there, but as I have
learned, google is your friend.
as for supporting a doubletalk LT Synthesizer? I think there may be
for most of the older speech and braille hardware even in most modern
distributions. I haven't run across that specific unit in almost a decade.
these days, speech synthesis can be done with an ordinary dsp sound card.
I would check here first:
On Oct 3, 2010, at 1:36 AM, Samuel Wilkins wrote:
Hello there, I will be helping on my university?s radio station. However,
their music
broadcasting software only works in Linux. Could you please tell me what
screen readers
for Linux are available, how much they cost, and whether they would
support a doubletalk
LT synthesizer. I have spoken to the station manager and he thinks that
the software
could be run through the command line interface, as I believe that is the
only way
to use Linux, as they do not use the Gnome interface. Could you please
tell me if
this is true. The software they developed is a bespoke piece of software
developed by the university, and they are happy to make any modifications.
Finally, I am hoping to allow people to phone into the show I will
be presenting. However, the station manager has told me that the system
they will
be receiving is touch screen. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what
I could
do and if there are any systems that I could use? I am asking these
questions because
the station manager wants me to tell him exactly what I am going to need.
So, I?m
going to send him a preliminary list of what is required, so he can
discuss with
the student union what they can do. Thank you in advance.
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